- COBF (aka C-Obfuscator) is a program which manipulates C or C++ sourcefiles in a way that they aren t readable by human beings but they remain compilable. The benefit of COBF lies in the distribution of programs (freeware, shareware, commercial softw
- Windows下的高精度计时和高频事件的产生 在开发 Windows 下的应用程序时,经常需要用的计时,尤其在一些对时间要求比较高的程序中,计时的精确性是很重要的,本文介绍了两种精确计时的方法,计时的精度可以达到ms级,而且可以认为它是精确的,可以在大多数情况下作为时间的基准。-under Windows precision timing and the selection of high-frequency events in the development of Windows applic
- directx show 的帮助文档是一个很好的参考资料。可是里面的很多东西都讲得太多了,而我们在开始接触的时候,都想从最简单的东西入手,然后逐渐深入,可是参考SDK里面的例子程序,总是云里雾里,特别是自己动手写FILTER,要拨开它的丛丛雾水,还真有些不容易。 -DirectX show with the help documentation is a good reference. But there are a lot of things they said too much, and w
- java编程前看看有好处,特别是初学者。-look at the good, especially beginners.
- 关于GDI的使用,特别对于大文件的读取有用,可以将lambert投影的遥感图像转化为等经纬度.-GDI on the use, especially for large documents useful to the reader, can be LAMBERT projection of the remote sensing images into other coordinates.
- 该程序可以将自己的帮助文档集成到MSDN里。自己制作库的时候特别有用-the program can help their integration into the MSDN documentation Lane. They produced the library is especially useful when
- 计算地理距离和方位角的程序,特别实用于地球曲线计算-program for computation of geography distance and azimuth, especially for earth curve
- (1)“MP3目录”下为完整的播放器CoolPlayer的全部代码,“解码源码”目录下为单独的MP3解码部分。 (2)本程序可在Windows 2000、Visual C++6.0环境下编译通过,在\\\\MP3\\Debug目录下有可直接运行的执行文件。 (3)本程序没有特殊的软硬件要求,但对于特别陈旧的硬件,可能会不支持。-(1) "MP3 directory" for a complete player CoolPlayer all the code, "de
- 这是一个基于WEB的树木分类专家系统asp源代码,对于初学者特别有帮助!-This is a Web-based expert system for classification trees asp source code, especially for beginners help!
- 这是MICROCHIP 的PIC 系列单片机常用 的C语言编译器。特别对PIC16F877系列 特别好用。-It is C compiler for PIC of MICROCHIP,especially for PIC16F877,it is very good!
- 国外网站上的一些精典的C程序,欲炼神功,必先从基础开始,希望初学者能够多打好基础,特别是做嵌入式程序,重复也要传!BTW,欣赏站长的一些诗!-foreign web sites of some of the classic C procedures and wishes refining art, we must first start from the basis of the hope that more beginners to lay a good foundation, especia
- 又一个关于磁盘碎片整理的最新源代码。 发布于2005/08/04 Free disk defragmentation utility for Windows 2000/2003/XP. Very small and very fast, with very little CPU and memory overhead. Especially useful for unattended servers in a lights-out computer hotel, but also great f
- 是一个关于医学方面的很好的资料,尤其对于刚进入读研的人有知道作用-is one of the medical aspects of good information, especially for entering the Graduate know who are role
- 对于该开始学习嵌入式软件的人,特别是研究串口通讯的人大有帮助-began studying for the embedded software, especially those who study serial communications NPC help
- 单片机的系统的开发中对初学者,有很大的帮助,特别是在电子竞赛中应用。-SCM system development for beginners, will be very helpful, especially in the application of electronic competition.
Verilog HDL练习题
- 硬件描述语言,对学习EDA的人,特别是初学者都有很大的参考价值。-hardware descr iption language, to learn the EDA people, especially beginners have great reference value.
- 以VRTX为对象详细介绍了嵌入式实时操作系统的原理和应用,特别是第一部分关于嵌入式实时系统基础 的介绍非常适合初学者全面地了解嵌入式实时操作。-to VRTX detailed targets for the embedded real-time operating system and application principles, especially the first part of the embedded real-time systems based on very suita
- 本程序是AR(2)模型进行数据建模,再进行kalman滤波,进行数据去躁处理,尤其用在光纤陀螺上-AR (2) model for data modeling, further Kalman filtering, data processing to impatient, especially with the fiber gyro
- 在实际应用中,编程者往往喜欢程序能自动生成word说明文档,说明程序运行的状况或运行的结果;或者程序能提取数据库的内容生成word表格,使用户能方便的查看和修改,打印。但是VC++中调用word的确不容易,特别是对word中各种函数的使用,本文以作者的工作经验详细介绍一下如何调用word和进行word表格的填写,有同样需求的编友也可查看一下MSDN中的Automation Microsoft Office 97 and Microsoft office 2000。-in practical ap
dehip (21)
- book is especially suitable for the study and development of application programmers and system programmers