- Matlab的使用文件对想学却不懂得人有很大的帮助尤其是初学者-document like the people do not know how to be of great help especially beginners
- 学习数据结构,对大家以后开发C,C++都有帮助,特别对软件工程的同学有很多帮助-study data structure, right after we develop C, C + + can help. especially for software engineering students will have a lot of help
- 学习软件测试的经典书籍之一,对理论讲的非常的全面和透彻,特别值得一看-learning software testing one of the classic books of theory in a very comprehensive and thorough, especially eye-catcher
- 这是用java做的一音像电教资料管理系统.很好用的..特别是对音乐爱好者-This is done using java an audio-visual electronic information management system. The good .. especially for music lovers
- 内附IC读卡器设计方案,该设计使用89C52和MCM200,里面有详细的设计过程及程序代码,相信有一定IC卡经验,技术及具有一定的计算机软/硬件技术(尤其是微处理单片机MCU技术)的同行定能将本文消化之后而能设计出诸多应用场合的产品.-containing IC reader design program, which is designed to be used 89C52 and MCM200. There are detailed design process and procedure
- 这是由林瑞写的高质量的C++的教程,写的特别好大家共享!-This is written by Lin, high-quality C Guide, written especially good share!
- 要解决link错误就需要了解不同平台上面函数操作的区别,特别是某些概念的区别。这里最好的参考资料有两个。一个是Windows Services for UNIX (SFU)的帮助文件,一个是MSDN中的一篇文章《UNIX Application Migration Guide》。-link to the wrong address on the need to understand the different operating platforms above function of the d
- 要解决link错误就需要了解不同平台上面函数操作的区别,特别是某些概念的区别。这里最好的参考资料有两个。一个是Windows Services for UNIX (SFU)的帮助文件,一个是MSDN中的一篇文章《UNIX Application Migration Guide》。-link to the wrong address on the need to understand the different operating platforms above function of the d
- Java入门攻略之HelloWorld问题,这是一款很不错的文档资料,尤其对于一些菜鸟级的人物,更是要好好读读,真是受益匪浅啊-Java's HelloWorld portal, which is one very good documentation, Especially for some newcomers-class figures, but it is also necessary to properly review what really benefited ah
- 嵌入式系统应用工程师借用计算机专家创建的C语言,使嵌入式系统应用得以飞速发展,而MISRAC是嵌入式系统应用工程师对C语言嵌入式应用做 出的贡献。如今MISRA C已经被越来越多的企业接受,成为用于嵌入式系统的C语言标准,特别是对安全性要求极高的嵌入式系统,软件应符合MISRA标准。 本文由清华嵌入式系统研究专家,邵贝贝教授领衔执笔,分六讲,跟读者一起学习MISRAC。 第一讲:“‘安全第一’的C语言编程规范”,简述MISRAC的概况。 第二讲:“跨越数据类型的重重陷阱”,介绍
- 一款审批流软件介绍,特别好用,简单,容易操作,只得一用,特别在知名的大企业已经使用,中国移动、机械制造行业等-software presentations, and especially convenient, simple and easy to operate, with only one, especially in the famous large enterprises already using, China Mobile, machinery, and other manufact
- 介绍ASP的基本内容,特别对初学的同学来讲,是一个很好的教程来的,希望大家-introduced the basic contents, especially for novice students, this is a good guide to the We hope to s
- 计算机视觉的多视几何,在机器视觉中有很好的应用,尤其是计算机测量方面。很好的入门资料-Computer Vision many as geometry, in machine vision applications is very good, especially computer measurement. Good introductory information on
- 对于每一个英语句子的翻译, 并不只是使用一种翻译方法, 而是多种翻译方法的综合运用, 这在英语长句的翻译中表现得尤为突出。-for each one sentence in English translation, is not just the use of a translation, but many of the translation of the integrated use of this long sentence in the English translation was e
- 本系统的设计模拟一般学校特别是高校的学生选课内容,经过充分的系统调研,发现本系统应包括学生信息、教师信息、课程信息、系统管理员信息等需管理的信息。附优秀系统设计报告-the system design simulation general schools, especially college students Course, after full investigation of the system, found that the system should include informat
- 此文档为电子工程师工作指导及规范,电子工程师必备, 尤其是从事技术管理工作的人不看后悔-this document as an electronic engineer and standardize the work guidance, electronic engineers required, especially those engaged in technical management of the Bukanhouhui
- 这是自己在学习VC整理的一些东西,觉得还是很有用的,特别是对于初学者。希望跟大家共享!希望学VC的朋友顺利!-it was a learning VC finishing something, I felt that was very useful, especially for beginners. Hope to share with you! Want to acquire the smooth VC friends!
- 指纹识别门禁控制系统,比较详细的资料,还是满有用的,尤其是对生手-Fingerprint Identification door lock control system, more detailed information is still quite useful, especially for novices
- This paper studies the problem of categorical data clustering, especially for transactional data characterized by high dimensionality and large volume. Starting from a heuristic method of increasing the height-to-width ratio of the cluster hist
- 这个是液晶(lcd)的生产厂家大全,包括各国内国外,特别是深圳那块的,一网打进,对做开发液晶系统选型,寻找合适的TFT,LCD,LED模块极为有帮助,我找了好久的-This is a LCD (lcd) manufacturers Solutions, including domestic and foreign, especially in Shenzhen piece. access to a network, so the development of LCD system selecti