- MTK_DVD_8032_HD65其他的自己仔细看啊-MTK_DVD_8032_HD65 other close look at their ah
- MTK平台绝密核心代码之 系统引导,是学习研究MTK平台的重要代码,也是做其他类似平台开发的良好参考代码,贡献出来与大家分享。,MTK platform top secret core of the system boot code is to study the importance of MTK platform code, but also other similar platforms to do a good reference code, contribute to share wi
- .支持全系列MTK芯片组(6205.6217.6218.6219.6225.6226.6227.6228.6229...等)读.写.格.解锁.解密 2.网站上下载回来的48资料可直接写入,平台自动完成解密功能,写完资料直接开机即可。 3.如遇到用别的广家仪器解密写入不开机的,只要是资料问题用我们的平台把手机资料读出来,然后在写回去即可开机(已经测试N次了)。 4.解锁和修复普通软件问题,直接点击复位手机即可。 5.平台自动识别CPU、字库、容量大小,自动读.写,读写均为全
- 手机自带的一些应用程序的源代码,喜欢的朋友可以下下来参考,里面包含很多手机应用,如音乐播放器,报像机,短信,电话本,视频编器,视频播放器,图片编缉器,蓝牙等很多。-Phone comes with the source code of some applications, like a friend to the next down the reference, which contains a lot of mobile applications such as music players,
- 在mtk平台上的锁网功能,锁定某些sim卡后,只有这些被锁定的卡可以使用,其他的卡无法使用-Mtk platform lock in the network functions, some of the sim card is locked, and only these cards can be locked, the other cards can not be used
- MTK平台绝密核心代码之 文件系统,是学习研究MTK平台的重要代码,也是做其他类似平台开发的良好参考代码,贡献出来与大家分享。-MTK platform for top-secret code of the core file system, is the study important MTK platform code, but also other similar platforms to do a good reference code, contribute to share with
- MT62XX系列芯片手机BIN资源修改器V1.5中文绿色版,可以方便更改bin文件内图片铃声等资源。-MT62XX series chip cell phone device BIN resources to modify the Chinese green version of V1.5, you can easily change the bin files ring tones and other resources within the picture.
- MTK平台绝密核心代码之 系统驱动,是学习研究MTK平台的重要代码,也是做其他类似平台开发的良好参考代码,贡献出来与大家分享。-MTK platform for top-secret code of the core system, is the study important MTK platform code, but also other similar platforms to do a good reference code, contribute to share with you.
- MTK平台绝密核心代码之 多媒体处理,是学习研究MTK平台的重要代码,也是做其他类似平台开发的良好参考代码,贡献出来与大家分享。-MTK platform multimedia top-secret deal with the core code is studying the importance of MTK platform code, but also other similar platforms to do a good reference code, contribute to s
- MTK平台绝密核心代码之 外设管理(红外线),是学习研究MTK平台的重要代码,也是做其他类似平台开发的良好参考代码,贡献出来与大家分享。-MTK platform for top-secret code of the core peripherals management (IR) is to study the importance of MTK platform code, but also other similar platforms to do a good reference cod
- 这段代码直接插入短信后,发送这条短信到其他的MTK手机对方就会黑屏死机。编辑可以用文本编辑工具打开。-The code directly into the message, sent this message to other black MTK phone will lock up the other side. Editing tools can be used to open a text editor.
- MTK手机短信狂振代码,可以插入短信发送至其他手机,接收短信方手机会狂振死机。-MTK SMS mad vibration code, you can insert text messages sent to other mobile phone, receive text messages to mobile phones will be mad crash vibration.
- MTK振铃代码,可以插入手机短信中发送至对方。对方接收短信打开后会振铃,有可能会死机。-MTK ring code, you can insert a cell phone text message sent to the other side. The other side open to receive text messages will ring might crash.
- 信利1N4154屏,2.0TFT的精确调试源码.用于MTK6225平台.另附其它相关资料.-1N4154 TRULY screen, 2.0TFT precise source debugging. MTK6225 platform used. Attach other relevant information.
- MTK平台QQ移植,教程,例程,教你如何移植QQ及其它应用程序的方法-MTK platform QQ transplantation, tutorials, routine, teach you how to transplant QQ and other applications of the method
- MTK中LCD驱动,包括ddi_display_controller,ddi_display_controller_HX8347A等文件-MTK in LCD driver, including ddi_display_controller, ddi_display_controller_HX8347A and other documents
- MTK6223开发平台的详细介绍文档,描述了6223芯片的配置,IO口设置,功能模块等信息。-MTK6223 detailed descr iption of the document development platform, describes the 6223 chip configuration, IO port settings, functional modules and other information.
- MTK资源管理工具源码,C语言编写,主要包括图片转为数组,音乐转为数组,也有把数组转为图片和音乐的源码,略加修改,也可以使用于其他平台或者需要的场合,内有使用说明。-MTK resource management tool for source code, C language, mainly including picture into an array of music to the array, but also to an array of pictures and music into
- mtk开发中的make命令的分析 讲解了怎么从make开始执行其他相关文件的-mtk in the Development of the analysis explained the make command make from the beginning how to perform other related documents
- 支持MTK6228及其他一些MTK芯片的解锁功能-Support MTK6228 and some other MTK chip unlocking