- We outline here the requirements of a 3D game engine, illustrated by describing a particular engine’s components. We designed the game engine, marketed as NetImmerse, to run on PCs with a broad range of performance levels, both with and wit
- 如何在游戏中实现剪切板技术非常重要,可以通过变换矩阵的求返得到,很简单的,慢慢看吧-how the game to achieve shear deformation plate technology is very important, through the transformation matrix is seeking back, very simple, slowly Look here
- 这里没有 游戏代码片段分类,只好放这里了。 这是一个Direct3D和OpenGL混合的框架。 可通过 F1控制用OpenGL渲染还是用D3D渲染。-There is no classification code fragments game, but up here. This is a mixed Direct3D and OpenGL framework. F1 can be controlled through use of OpenGL rendering or a Mo
- 文字类网络游戏MUD的引擎,MUDOS 版本23 alpha 5。现代很多网络游戏如网易的游戏和侠客行的游戏都是从这里发展起来的。-text MUDs type of network game engine, MUDOS 23 alpha version 5. Many modern network games, such as 163.com knight of the game and the games are here to develop.
- 这个是网上流传的 飞尔引擎源代码,很多朋友编译后没却进不了游戏主要是缺东西 DBERVER 缺少的部分我已经回复 M2主引擎 因为用啦插件导致的网关不能打开,很多人都卡在这里啦,我把限制去掉啦,并恢复啦网关通讯 大家下载后编译就可以进游戏啦,其他登陆网关,游戏网关账号服务器,到网上搜下,很容易找到,我就不发布啦!! 弄传奇真彩 实在没弄明白,如果有朋友会,还请赐教!!本人QQ:80090905 交流论坛:http://bbs.yiqipk.com ,This is circula
- 个是网上流传的 飞尔引擎源代码,很多朋友编译后没却进不了游戏主要是缺东西 DBERVER 缺少的部分我已经修复 M2主引擎 因为用啦插件导致的网关不能打开,很多人都卡在这里啦,我把限制去掉啦,并恢复啦网关通讯 加载插件部分,我也修复啦,可以使用PP的插件 直接加载 大家下载后编译就可以进游戏啦,其他登陆网关,游戏网关账号服务器,到网上搜下,很容易找到-One is the spread of the fly-line Er-engine, source code, c
- 高性能游戏标准3D引擎源代码 -This sources are the drivers for 3DS files. They are here as a tutorial if you want to make your own drivers for your own formats. They are heavily stolen from the code of Jare/Iguana.
- Here are some basic examples of a few types of game loops
- 刚配置的传奇登陆器,网站不支持下载,放这里做个连接!希望管理员放行。-Legend landers just configured, the site does not support the download, put here to be connected! Hope that the release manager.
- 网站空间不支持RAR文件下载,我想这这里上传个游戏登陆器,做个连接 提供下载 希望管理放行-Web site space did not support the RAR file to download, I think this game here From landers, to be hoped that the management of connections available for download release
- Open Dynamis Engine (ODE) is an open source, high performance library for simulating rigid body dynamics. It is fully featured, stable, mature and platform independent with an easy to use C/C++ API. It has advanced joint types and integrated collisio
- 一款as的webgame游戏引擎,开源的,我在这里上传上去,把游戏角色分的很好的一个-The webgame a game engine as open source, I' m here to upload up to the role of points in the game a good one
- 看起来我在做发明车轮的浪费时间的事--windows已经有一套非常复杂功能完善的GUI.不幸的是windows的GUI适用于办公软件,而这通常不适合游戏软件.游戏一般需要比windows更精确的控制(例如,使用自己的GUI实现用alpha混合创造的部分透明的窗口比较容易,而使用windows的GUI则几乎做不到). 这篇文章将讲述如何使用C++和DirectX来创建自己的GUI.文章分为几部分,每部分涉及一个特定的GUI编程主题.这并不需要按顺序阅读,所以你可以从你需要的部分开始.
- Killmonster 据称是最简单的网页游戏引擎源码.-Killmonster is the simplest browser based game possible. It simply lets users fight monsters in a 1-click battle. Monsters are created by the administrator and battles are weight by the user s skill points and the monster
- Introduction This documentation is meant as an introduction to Angel, but also serves as a small intro into basic game architecture. If you re a beginner, don t be off-put by the advanced stuff. If you re experienced, don t be patronized by the beg
- OGRE的一些小例子,自己动手调试过的,希望在学习OGRE的同学拿来实验(关于OGRE的安装盒调试环境这里不附加说明)-OGRE some small examples, debugging yourself too, and I hope the students used in learning experiments OGRE (OGRE installation box on debugging environment here is not annotated)
- 这是用 Farseer 物理引擎制作的一个小游戏。玩法特别简单:用鼠标控制白球的位置,尽量不要让白球碰到黑球。距离中心越远,得分越少。 作者项目中遇到的问题: *模拟环境和显示环境使用的长度单位不一致,需要对两者的单位进行转换。我这里使用的是 ConvertUnits 类进行转换的。 *Farseer 引擎默认设置物体运行速度是不能超过 64 的。可以在源码的 *Settings.MaxTranslation 设置此参数。 *Farseer 引擎具有自动适应功能。
- Silverlight-MMORPG游戏引擎0112源码 这里要说明的,此完成度约50 的2D-ARPG游戏引擎存在地图未切割、多线程未优化、算法未优化、无寻路等诸多毛病, 总结原因是架构上一开始就存在着问题,因此我不打算对其再进行完善及后续制作了。至于它的开源,或许对所有的朋友有大害而无一益, 那么就让它深藏吧。但是就是因为有了它的存在,才会有了本教程以一个更为优雅、简约时尚的姿态出现。我将在本例中完全屏弃 它所有的弱点,实现它未实现的所有功能,让所有的朋友们均能用WP
- libGDX 是一款开源的Android游戏引擎,这里是一个简单的gdx-helloworld的源码示例。-libGDX is an android game engine,here is a gdx-helloworld example, wellcome download.
- libGDX,是一个开源的高效的游戏引擎,libgdx-nightly-20110727.zip 为该引擎的一个源码示例,欢迎下载使用。-libGDX, is an android game engine, here is a sample game build in it, Any one are welcome to download and learn.