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- 手机游戏插曲顺灶示人世间地区性可能性要不得-phone game show episode with foci of nature regional unthinkable possibility
- The Complete Roll Playing Game Engine is an engine that can be used to create roll playing games. It includes programs to build characters, monsters, and worlds. cRPGe currently uses the AD&D rules set. This is an initial release just so that I
- 一个网页版的在线模拟人生、模拟城市游戏的源代码,希望对你有所帮助。 相关说明: 主角层 5 移动点击层 5 map1 8 map2 1 聊天显示层 4 聊天输入层 10-A web version of The Sims Online, Sim City game' s source code, you would like to be helpful. Related note: the protagonist click Layer Layer 5 mobi
- Ogre browser:使用OGRE在游戏中显示网页-Ogre browser: show website in the game with Ogre
- JBox2D物理引擎android实现CollisionFiltering 的使用例子-JBox2D: A Java Physics Engine . An example for android. Show how use CollisionFiltering.
- wiimote 与计算机相连,最多可以测试6个wiimote的加速度,并在屏幕上实时显示,并可和IR sensor bar测量他们的2D位置-connection wiimote to computer, caluclate up to 6 wiimote and get their acceleration data, and realtime show them, and calculate wiimote s 2D position and show them
- DirectDraw的2D游戏源码DEMO,演示位图操作。-DirectDraw 2D game DEMO,BitMap show.
- play video in real time by direct show
- 游戏中由于自动控制相机路径的演示程序-Many people are impressed by realistic camera animations in games or multimedia demos. The math behind what is commonly called camera interpolation is actually pretty simple. In this article, I will focus on a simple algorithm that
- VB学习TV3D引擎的系列课程之二,演示如何使用TV3D引擎显示一个模型-VB TV3D study course of study engine of a series of demonstration VB how to use TV3D engine to show a modle
- 这是用 Farseer 物理引擎制作的一个小游戏。玩法特别简单:用鼠标控制白球的位置,尽量不要让白球碰到黑球。距离中心越远,得分越少。 作者项目中遇到的问题: *模拟环境和显示环境使用的长度单位不一致,需要对两者的单位进行转换。我这里使用的是 ConvertUnits 类进行转换的。 *Farseer 引擎默认设置物体运行速度是不能超过 64 的。可以在源码的 *Settings.MaxTranslation 设置此参数。 *Farseer 引擎具有自动适应功能。
- FAQ0319客户端和M2 火龙教主动作问题会引起地图花屏 人物消失 客户端假死 2、看别人装备显示自己装备对比-FAQ0319 leader of the client and M2 dragon action figure the problem will cause the map Huaping disappear client suspended animation 2, to see people equipped to show their equipment compa
- rm3944全服务器呐喊等级限制修改技术公布! 1.打开汇编源代码rm3944.cpp文件! 2.查找字段 cmp DWORD PTR [ESI+0x37F8], 10 ----这个10就是游戏中显示的等级限制,只是显示! 3.再查找字段 MOV DWORD PTR [ESP+0x3C],10 -----这个10才是等级限制! 注意:把两个10都改成你需要的等级!-1open source code compilation rm3944.cpp f
- 设计了一种基于GPU编程实现的大规模地形场景的实时绘制与漫游算法。利用GPU端完成地形网格更新、地形块的自动选取、高度图和纹理图采样等大部分计算工作,大大减轻了CPU端的计算负载。-designed a high performance technique for real-time rendering and roaming of large-scale terrain environment based on GPU programming. GPU undertaked most of t
- jbox2d物理引擎MouseJoint的使用,android实现-JBox2D: A Java Physics Engine An example for android.Show how use MouseJoint.
- jbox2d物理引擎android实现Sensor的使用-JBox2D: A Java Physics Engine An example for android.Show how use Sensor.
- 另外还包括了HGE引擎最新的稳定中文字幕显示方法。外加不需字模的渲染方法-HGE Chinese show new integration with the Chinese character input program. Model based on the principle characters in the buffer, rendering the use of characters GetGlyphOutline access to 65 gray Blt the bitmap te
- 图像识别,功能很强大,对你有帮助。。。。。’(#include "stdafx.h" #include "cv.h" #include "highgui.h" extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void Show() { IplImage *img = cvLoadImage("E:\\Image\\a.jpg"); cvNamedWin