- 简单说明: 决战源代码是最新,最完整的C++代码! 在测试中:源代码可以编译的-编译出的我已经截图发布在安徽IT吧上了 环境:本人机子有两个系统 Win2k3 Xp 分别VS2005 VS2003 默认的打开 的是2003--- 此源代码也是目前市场上卖的商业版的源代码-价值:3000元 ,Simple Descr iption: source code for a decisive battle is the latest, most complete C++ Co
- Ogre粒子系统编辑器,Particle Accelerator is a graphical tool for creating particle systems for the Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (OGRE).-Ogre Particle System Editor
- 学习cocos2d游戏引擎的好书,在safaribooksonline上卖很贵,值得收藏呀!-This book is for anyone with basic programming knowledge who wants to create a game for the iPhone or iPad. In this book you will go through the entire process of writing a game with Cocos2D from zero to
- 一个在DirectX下开发游戏的游戏引擎,包括视角系统,输入系统,字体系统,材质系统,光效系统,纹理系统,音效系统,顶点渲染都有相应的章节,是个人初写3D游戏的一个好工具。-It s a DirectX game engine, including the perspective system, input system, font system, material system, light system efficiency, texture systems, audio systems,
- 在Symbian系统下的一个简单的俄罗斯方块程序-Symbian systems in a simple procedure Tetris
- Irrlicht引擎是一个用C++书写的高性能实时的3D引擎,可以应用于C++程序或者.NET语言中。通过使用Direct3D(Windows平台),OpenGL 1.2或它自己的软件着色程序,可以实现该引擎的完全跨平台。尽管是开源的,该Irrlicht库提供了可以在商业级的3D引擎上具有的艺术特性,例如动态的阴影,粒子系统,角色动画,室内和室外技术以及碰撞检测等。-Irrlicht engine is written in C++, a high-performance real-time 3
- IBDS用于动态多体系统仿真,使用C++编写,可仿真刚体,粒子,不同铰接类型以及带摩擦碰撞。-IBDS is a library for dynamic simulation of multi-body systems in C++. It simulates rigid bodies, particles, many different joint types and collisions with friction. (ZLib license, free for commercial us
- Torque游戏引擎的粒子系统分析,帮助Torque初学者理解粒子系统和扩展自己的类库-Torque game engine particle system analysis, to help beginners understand the Torque particle systems and to expand their library
- 许多自然现象是由很多小的小颗粒组成的,它们有相似的行为。(例如,雪花落下,闪烁的火焰,冲出枪管的“子弹”),粒子系统用来模拟这种现象-Many natural phenomena is caused by many small, consisting of small particles, they have similar behavior. (For example, snowflakes fell, flashing flame, out of the barrel of the &quo
- Irrlicht是一个3D游戏引擎。它具有高效,实时等特点,是个完全跨平台的引擎,使用D3D、OpenGL和它的自己的渲染程序。支持动态的阴影,粒子系统,角色动画,室内和室外技术以及碰撞检测等。目前最新版本是1.7.1。-Irrlicht is a 3D game engine. It has high-performance, real-time characteristics, it is a totally cross-platform engine, using D3D, OpenGL
- 一個大富翁的VB source.提供基本的選擇人物到買賣物件以及流程,金錢的交易等系統-A Monopoly of the VB source. The choice of characters to provide the basic object and process transactions, money transactions and other systems
- 一本关于游戏引擎方面的书。关键字:游戏学习,手机设计,娱乐,模仿,训练系统。-A book on game engines. Keywords: learning game, mobile phone design, entertainment, imitation, training systems.
- 天龙八部1游戏策划案压缩包3,内容包括生活系统,死亡模式设定,物品分配,交易设定,状态切换设定,玩家商店,NPC商店,摆摊设定-Dragon 1 Game archive 1 case planning, including living systems, the death mode settings, goods distribution, transaction set, the state switch setting, the player shop, NPC shops, set u
- Use CMake for all IDEs and platforms! :) All other build systems might exist, but probably deprecated.-Use CMake for all IDEs and platforms! :) All other build systems might exist, but probably deprecated.
- Edgame 2D是为易语言量身打造的一款游戏开发套件,富有特性的中间件,高级组件形式构架.不同功能的模块是互相独立的系统.引擎以易语言模块管理器为核心.支持以第三方插件形式组件增加方式来插入系统工作,构架方式极其灵活,模块效率高.-Edgame 2D is easy language tailored for a game development kit, feature-rich middleware, advanced components in the form of architect