复件 Java象棋V3.0
- 小游戏可以实现象棋的各个功能比如象棋的各棋子的走法要求以及获胜后的提示,走棋时候的音乐效果-small chess game can be achieved in various functions such as chess pawn of the requirements of the law go after winning tips, and take time to the music game results
- 此版本的华容道仅是个VC++语言的演示版,只是为了演示 一种思路,所以没有增加任何的功能。本游戏图象也是从 同类FLASH游戏中剪出,可惜它的出处网页已经不可访问了. 由于华容道每角色同一时刻可能有不同方向的选择,增加了 判断难度。本游戏主要演示单键无选择控制华容道的模拟 智能处理过程。当然这很简单,谈不上真正的智能。 如果对AI类兴趣的话,可以到 http://chess.withu.com 和计算机下一盘,欢迎交流探讨该类AI算法。 本游戏还存在一些BU
- 本界面制作,图形处理 采用DELPHI 编写的的智力型的游戏-the interfaces, graphics used in the preparation of Delphi intellectual type of game
- 我编写的一个经典的小游戏--贪食蛇,能够在你的茶余饭后给你带来快乐!-I prepared a classic small game -- Snake, in your leisure to bring you happiness!
- 吃数游戏是一个在turboC2环境下编写的小游戏,该游戏要求在宫殿中找出几个数之和是7的数吃掉,并走到7的位置-eat a few games in turboC2 environment prepared by the small games, the games in the palace to identify several hours, and the number is seven eaten, and walked seven locations. .
- 双人竞走游戏是一个在turboC2环境下编写的小游戏,该游戏是一个双人玩的策略游戏-double game is a walk in turboC2 environment prepared by the small game, the game is playing a double game strategy.
- 迷宫探险游戏是一个在turboC2环境下编写的小游戏,该游戏只要是完成小人从左上角闯过迷宫到达右下角的路径探险-maze is an adventure game in turboC2 environment prepared by the small games, as long as the game is complete villains leaped from the upper left corner of the maze to reach the lower right path
- 迷宫探险游戏是一个在turboC2环境下编写的小游戏,该游戏是根据DxBall撞球游戏进行设计的具有简单的撞球功能的游戏-maze is an adventure game in turboC2 environment prepared by the small games, the game is based DxBall balls for the design of the game is simple function of the pool games. .
- 推箱子游戏是一个在turboC2环境下编写的小游戏,该类游戏版本很多,希望不会雷同-magazines is a game in turboC2 environment prepared by the small games, many versions of such games, hope not identical. .
- 这是个“推箱子”游戏,在vc++6.0下写的,在windowsXP下通过测试。只要把黄色的箱子全部推到圆圈的地方就可以了-this is a "viewing" game, the vc 6.0 wrote in AIX through testing. As long as the yellow box to put the full circle of the area can be
- 一个简单的井字游戏,不是人机对战的,游戏需要两个人参与,在此抛砖引玉,希望有人能给我人机对战的代码。-gridwork a simple game, not the man-machine players, the game requires two people to participate in this suit, hoping that someone can give me man-machine players code.
- 游戏规则 目的:在本游戏中,你将作为一名裁缝,将尽可能多的纽扣穿成 一个闭合的路线。游戏初始有 15 个纽扣,随着时间的增 加,纽扣数目也增加,当达到70个时游戏即结束。 规则:只能在有纽扣的点穿线,且只能在水平方向或竖直方向穿 线。线可交叉,但有纽扣的点不能交叉连接。 秘诀:要尽可能使连线长且该连线上的纽扣数多。-purpose of the rules of the game : In the game, you will act as
- MS的不能存档,我的可以任何时候存档和任何时候回档 MS的第一下不能一定点开一个区, 如果运气不好,就不得不点一下就从来, 我的第一下一定点得开一个区 MS的样子不如我的精致, 我和比MS的精致, 关于对话框比MS的好看 -MS not archived, I can file at any time and any time corresponding to the first MS is unable to open a certain point, if the bad
- 宠物连连看flash源文件,直接导出就可以运行,这个比较简单,对制作连连看得游戏比较有帮助,现在连连看的游戏很多!所以大家可以做的更好一些!-pets flash source, derived directly on the run, this is relatively simple to produce 1000 block of Terry Avenue in the game more helpful, 1000 block of Terry Avenue many of the ga
- 一个在WINDOWSCE下的小游戏,已经过测试,压缩包无密码.-a WINDOWSCE in the small games, has been tested and compressed without passwords.
- 一个建立在c/s架构休闲brew游戏 服务器打印结果数据-a building in c / s leisure brew game server data printing results
- 在liunx下的几个小程序,可以方便移植到很多嵌入式平台上,本人已经实现将其移植到sigmadesign的平台上-in liunx of several small programs that can be transplanted to many embedded platform, I will have achieved its transplant sigmadesign platform
- 一个在linux下基于framebuffer,用c语言实现的扫雷游戏,能方便移植到多种嵌入式设备中-one based on the Linux framebuffer c language used in demining games, easy to transplant a variety of embedded devices
- 本程序是俄罗斯方块程序,用汇编写的,程序用的是16H的键盘中断,这个中断先把键盘输入放到键盘缓冲区。-This program is a Tetris program, written in assembler, the program is keyboard interrupt 16H, this interrupts the first keyboard input into the keyboard buffer.
- 五子棋是一种两人对弈的纯策略型汉族棋类益智游戏,棋具与围棋通用,由中国汉族人发明,起源于中国上古时代的传统黑白棋种之一。容易上手,老少皆宜,而且趣味横生,引人入胜;不仅能增强思维能力,提高智力,而且富含哲理,有助于修身养性。已在各个游戏平台有应用。-Backgammon is a game of pure strategy type two Han chess puzzle games, chess and Go GM, invented by the Chinese Han people, o