- 用JAVA写的, 很不错的 对于初学者很有帮助 在你学习累的时候可以玩一下 放松一下心情-written with Java, and very good for beginners helpful in learning tired of you can play with time to relax at the heart
- I have just written this to acompany the asteroids example program. Its a simple PURE VB APP, no api or directx etc. Simply shoot the moving baddies, they stop at random intervals at this time they cannot be shot. So its a bit more strategic
- 不错的游戏代码,是在LINUX下面编译的。可以适当的修改。-good of the game code in Linux is compiled below. Can appropriate modifications.
- 一个UO网络游戏服务端,用C++写的~~希望大家喜欢!-an online game server, written in C ~ ~ hope you like them!
- WOW的DBC文件转换器[源代码].rar,用C语言写的,大家可以下来研究!-WOW document converters [source code]. Rar, written in C language. we can study down!
- MU奇迹窗口化登陆器代码.rar是用C语言写的,大家可以下来研究-MU miracle window of landers code. Rar is written in C language, we can study down!
- 龙族服务器源代码.rar,用C语言写的,完整的龙族服务端原代码!-Maronite server source code. Rar, written in C language, full-service Maronite original code!
- 传奇二私服服务端插件IceMoon的源代码,要的下- -#-two legendary artists IceMoon server plug-in the source code to the next--#
- 最好的MD游戏模拟器的源码,多平台版本,可以在windows和linux等平台上模拟游戏。-best game MD Simulator source, multi-platform version, in the windows and linux platform, and other simulation games.
- ff11lockprogs Programs that I ve made that do something with FFXI. Zones + Importer - Reads FFXI dat files to match zone lines to zones Filter v0.3 - A program that will analyze the packets sent from FFXI Keygen - Replacement for keyget,
- SNES模拟器 This is a newer SNES emulator and is in active progress. It is open source and runs more games now in the WIP and the graphics engine is better. One to watch for progress. The WIP version includes the source code
- 魔兽 ASCENT 私服服务器端,传送NPC代码. 安装方法 Step 1 : Move the \"scr ipts\" folder you see into the /src/ folder from the ascent svn. Step 2 : Go to /src/scr ipts/project/Customscr ipts2003.vcproject ( or 2005.vcproject , depends on which Visu
evil’s illusion Server Codes
- 传奇3.0 (evil’s illusion Server)韩国正式版本 vc++ 源码GameServer VC++源代码,包括地图,脚本,人物处理,协议加密,带数据库,由于源码为商业性质的,请使用者注意其版权和不要擅自公开发布和传播源码。WEMADE 公司于 Delphi 版本服务器端程序后,修改为 VC++ 版本。可用VC++ 6.0 或 VC.net 编译;学习网络游戏开发的朋友又一个绝好的源码。-legendary 3.0 (evil's illusion Server) So
- 服务器建立方法 1。把mirstart.exe放到盛大的传奇目录下 2。把其他文件放到一个文件夹内,目录结构不要改 3。修改config.ini里面的地址为本机的ip,如果是单机运行客户端和服务器就改成127.0.0.1 4。完成,现在打开mirservertest.exe,点 开始 按钮,出现 线程开始的文字,表示启动成功 5。打开mirstart.exe,在ip地址里面输入运行服务器的那台机器。点启动按钮 目前功能: 只提供了账号注册功能,角色列表是程序的固定值 进入游戏后的人也是程序固定值
- 另外一个C的NES模拟器源代码In addition a C source code of the NES emulator,In addition a C source code of the NES emulator In addition a C source code of the NES emulator
- 日前在search Raknet source code的時候,找到一個不錯的範例,同樣是Hikari的作者提供的一個叫做Player的demo,然是去年的東西了,但裡面的範例整合了一些Ogre與網路程式結合的應用,也有一些Ogre本身使用的技巧。,A few days ago in search Raknet source code of the time to find a good example is provided by the author of Hikari called Pla
- 多路径传输,可以实现仿真,在网络模拟器下可以运行.,Multi-path transmission, simulation can be achieved in the network simulator can be run.
- Flyff source code in c-Flyff source code in c++
- 传奇EI登录服务器源代码 早期的C++版本, 同时支持传奇二,传奇EI,传奇三-Legend EI login server source code in C++ version earlier, while supporting the legendary Second, the legendary EI, the legendary three
- Real-time.Rendering.Tricks.and.Techniques.in.DirectX is a book for gme programming and introduice the notion of direct X for rendering