- 分析了各种视频采集方案的研究现状。对如何采用CCD 摄像头采集高分辨率、高质量的图像以及基于FPGA 的嵌 入式视频图像采集系统的实现方法进行了研究。采用了以摄像头+ 解码芯片模式为采集方案, 针对视频解码芯片 ADV7181B,实现了I2C 总线配置、ITU656 解码、VGA 显示模块的设计。设计的视频采集控制器已经在Altera 公司的CycloneII 系列FPGA(EP2C35)上实现。结果显示本设计具有速度高、成本低、易于集成等优点-Analysis of a variety of
- 分析了各种视频采集方案的研究现状。对如何采用CCD 摄像头采集高分辨率、高质量的图像以及基于FPGA 的嵌 入式视频图像采集系统的实现方法进行了研究。采用了以摄像头+ 解码芯片模式为采集方案, 针对视频解码芯片 ADV7181B,实现了I2C 总线配置、ITU656 解码、VGA 显示模块的设计。设计的视频采集控制器已经在Altera 公司的CycloneII 系列FPGA(EP2C35)上实现。结果显示本设计具有速度高、成本低、易于集成等优点-Analysis of a varie
- 基于DE2的视频电话部分源码,实现了视频图像采集,VGA显示,局域网通讯等功能-DE2-based video telephony part of the source code to achieve the video image capture, VGA display, LAN communications function
- 视频采集与显示 IP Video Phone VP口的测试程序,包括单显:VP1 7104 VGA显示、VP1 7104复合视频显示, 图像自环:VP0 5150~VP1 7104、VP2 5150~VP1 7104。 -Video capture and display IP Video Phone VP port testing procedures, including single was: VP1 7104 VGA display, VP1 7104 composite v
- TI达芬奇DM6446开发板的VGA视频采集回放程序。-TI DM6446 DaVinci development board VGA video capture playback program.
- PX1000是半长的PCI VGA采集卡,可将PC机显卡等图形设备输出的VGA信号(模拟RGB信号),经过高精度的模数转换和相关处理后,通过PCI总线输出给主机-PX1000 is a half-length PCI VGA capture card, the graphics device as a PC graphics card output VGA signal (analog RGB signal), after a high-precision analog-to-digital c
- CLR-HSMC,ALTERA高速接口HSMC的视频转接子板基于DE3_150的例程,能够用FPGA实现工业相机视频采集以及VGA输出。-CLR-HSMC of ALTERA high-speed interface the HSMC The video adapter daughter board-based DE3_150 routines, to FPGA industrial camera video capture and VGA output.
- 实现DE2_115开发板上配套的500万像素cmos摄像头捕捉到的画面显示在VGA上-DE2_115 development board supporting 5,000,000 pixels cmos camera to capture the screen display in VGA
- 基于DE2板的VGA,CCD视频采集代码,可以手动调整曝光量,可以拍照和即时摄像-DE2 board VGA CCD video capture code, you can manually adjust the exposure, can take pictures and instant camera
- dm642图像采集与VGA视频驱动程序,代码中有详细备注说明,促使阅读更易理解学习。-dm642 image capture and VGA video driver, a detailed code of Remarks, prompting the reading easier to understand learning.
- FPGA摄像头驱动,通过VGA,可以在电脑屏幕上实时显示所采集图像-FPGA camera driver, via VGA, you can capture real-time display of the image on the computer screen
- FPGA摄像头驱动,通过VGA,可以在电脑屏幕上实时显示所采集图像-FPGA camera driver, via VGA, you can capture real-time display of the image on the computer screen
- 本设计是通过摄像头OV7670采集图像,然后通过FPGA进行边沿检测算法,最后通过VGA进行显示。-This design is through the camera OV7670 capture images, and then through the FPGA edge detection algorithm, and finally through VGA display.
- 该源码为基于FPGA的HDMI显示的一拖四的AV视频采集。该模块可方便移植在需要使用HDMI高清显示的场合,并且可将VGA显示一分为四,方便各个窗口显示不同的图像信息-The source for the FPGA-based HDMI display of a four of the AV video capture. The module can be easily transplanted in the need to use the HDMI high-definition displa
- fpga控制CMOS相机ov5640采集图像,包括相机配置,ddr缓存,vga显示三个模块。直接可用-fpga control CMOS camera ov5640 capture images, including camera configuration, ddr cache, vga three display modules. Directly available
- zedboard开发环境下,OV5620图像采集和VGA显示系统,采用BRAM祯缓存-Under zedboard development environment, OV5620 VGA image capture and display system that uses BRAM cache Zhen
- 基于BIOS/DSP的嵌入框架,将MT9M001的CMOS图像传感器连接至DM642的一个VP口上,并实现RAW数据流采集,使用SAA7105H视频编码器编码成ITU-BT656格式的视频流,实现AV和VGA实时显示(The embedded framework based on BIOS/DSP and CMOS image sensor MT9M001 is connected to a DM642 port VP, and implement the RAW data stream cap