- freescale单片机串行通讯程序,数据包方式,支持数据发送正常检验,并可使用命令实现对片机FLASH的读、写和擦除功能。-Freescale MCU serial communications, data packets, sends the data to support normal testing and can be used to achieve an order-of-FLASH read, write and erase functions.
- This program demonstrates using watchdog timers to invoke deadline handlers. CoordinatorTask sends data to the organizer. OrganizerTask receives data from the coordinatorTask, and resets the coordinatorTask when no data is sent by
- A Simple isochronous transfer. Reads 8051 ports A,B and C, and continuously sends a five byte packet over EP8IN:
- Application Note Abstract This Application Note introduces a complete and detailed PSoC® project. Telephone Call Logger keeps the detailed record of approximately 945 phone calls (7-digit number is assumed to be one phone call) including date,
- This designs demonstrates how to use the Ethernet port using a Nios II system on the DE2 board. It sends packets, and using a loopback Ethernet cable, it ll receive the same packets which are then displayed. It also works if the board is connected to
- ARP test mode. According to the idea we design the arithmetic for the key part, first the system sends a message to the target machine, and then system wait for the response. Once system receives a message, it starts to analyze the message, according
- 这是一个节目选择菜单源码,根据接受红外遥控键盘来选择节目,并发送给PLAYER.--A menu selection program. It selects menu item by remote control keyboard, and sends the information to PLAYER.
- It is a software to decode information received by a normal GPS like GARMIN, UBLOX if it sends NMEA information,It is a software to decode information received by a normal GPS like GARMIN, UBLOX if it sends NMEA information
- ARM,RTC测试,功能: 运行RTC进行计时,并将所计时间值不断地通过串口向上位机发送-ARM, RTC test, function: run the RTC to time, and the time value of the account continue to place upward through the serial port sends
- 电子设计竞赛二等奖,SPWM信号发生器微控制器STC89C52的源代码,包括仪器前面板的管理(4*4键盘扫描和12864液晶显示),以及模拟SPI接口向FPGA发送控制字。-Electronic Design Competition Award, SPWM signal generator, microcontroller STC89C52 source code, including the management of the instrument front panel (4* 4 keyb
- RS485多机通信(主机发送,从机接收) 基于ATmega16单片机,内有proteus住址原理图。-RS485 Multiprocessor Communication (host sends, receives from the plane) based on ATmega16, there proteus schematic address.
- 手持设备进行扫码后传给管理软件自动识别 达到高效、精确的管理功能-Handheld device scan code and sends the management software to automatically identify efficient and accurate management
- PC与单片机串口通信的程序及proteus仿真图,PC向单片机发送一字节的数据,单片机接收后再将数据回传给PC,结果显示在串口调试小助手上-Serial Communication between PC and procedures and proteus simulation diagram, PC to the microcontroller sends a byte of data, the microcontroller then receives the data back to th
- FPGA开发板上写的Verilog代码: 功能是从电脑端发送一个字节,然后把它接收回来。 -FPGA development board to write the Verilog code: function is from the client computer sends a byte, and then receive it back.
- 1.通过PC端的串口调试工具,从PC端发出一个十六进制的数, 通过串口传输到单片机,并有单片机通过LED数码管显示其ASII码,而且单片机又将这个数发回PC端,并在PC端显示出来,从而实现单片机与PC机的通讯 2.可以实现对下位机数据实时采集(如温度,程序中设定的是37摄氏度) 3.可以控制流水灯或继电器开关等-1. Through the PC-side debugging tools for serial port, from the PC client sends a hexa
- 鹦鹉学舌:单片机与上位机PC的通信程序设计方法: ⑴串口初始化:波特率定为4800 ⑵串口接收数据:串口初始化后处于数据接收状态,当有数据到达串口时,串口将数据接收保存在寄存器中暂存 ⑶串口发送数据:等数据接收完成后,将寄存器中暂存的数据通过串口发送给该数据的来源地。 ⑷实验测试方法:在上位机上通过串口调试助手软件发送一个十六进制数据给单片机,单片机收到数据后立即把这个数据又发回给PC,并在串口调试助手显示。 -Parrot: SCM and PC-PC communicat
- 通过PC端的串口调试工具,从PC端发出一个十六进制的数, 通过串口传输到单片机,并有单片机通过 LED数码管显示其ASII码,而且单片机又将 这个数发回PC端,并在PC端显示出来,从而 实现单片机与PC机的通讯-PC serial port through the end of debugging tools, from the PC client sends a hexadecimal number, through the serial transmission
- SDK里的spi连续发送N个字节的API貌似不能用,重新写了个这个功能的函数!-spi sends N-byte,the API in SDK can not be used,.I re-wrote a function of this feature!
- AVR单片机的TWI C 程序源码,一个设置TWI主机模式向丛机发送数据的函数,-AVR MCU TWI C program source code, this function setup TWI in master mode and sends data to slave.
- 使用MSP430F149芯片,透过串口给电脑发送数据,波特率9600,8数据,无校验,。发送的数据先是 MCU sends 0~127 to PC and the\\n screen will display their corresponding\\n ASCII code as follows:然后是01234567890123456789abcdefgh......,每发送一个数据回车一次-MSP430F149 chip to send data to the computer throu