- freescale单片机串行通讯程序,数据包方式,支持数据发送正常检验,并可使用命令实现对片机FLASH的读、写和擦除功能。-Freescale MCU serial communications, data packets, sends the data to support normal testing and can be used to achieve an order-of-FLASH read, write and erase functions.
- ARP test mode. According to the idea we design the arithmetic for the key part, first the system sends a message to the target machine, and then system wait for the response. Once system receives a message, it starts to analyze the message, according
- 电子设计竞赛二等奖,SPWM信号发生器微控制器STC89C52的源代码,包括仪器前面板的管理(4*4键盘扫描和12864液晶显示),以及模拟SPI接口向FPGA发送控制字。-Electronic Design Competition Award, SPWM signal generator, microcontroller STC89C52 source code, including the management of the instrument front panel (4* 4 keyb
- RS485多机通信(主机发送,从机接收) 基于ATmega16单片机,内有proteus住址原理图。-RS485 Multiprocessor Communication (host sends, receives from the plane) based on ATmega16, there proteus schematic address.
- PC与单片机串口通信的程序及proteus仿真图,PC向单片机发送一字节的数据,单片机接收后再将数据回传给PC,结果显示在串口调试小助手上-Serial Communication between PC and procedures and proteus simulation diagram, PC to the microcontroller sends a byte of data, the microcontroller then receives the data back to th
- 1.通过PC端的串口调试工具,从PC端发出一个十六进制的数, 通过串口传输到单片机,并有单片机通过LED数码管显示其ASII码,而且单片机又将这个数发回PC端,并在PC端显示出来,从而实现单片机与PC机的通讯 2.可以实现对下位机数据实时采集(如温度,程序中设定的是37摄氏度) 3.可以控制流水灯或继电器开关等-1. Through the PC-side debugging tools for serial port, from the PC client sends a hexa
- 鹦鹉学舌:单片机与上位机PC的通信程序设计方法: ⑴串口初始化:波特率定为4800 ⑵串口接收数据:串口初始化后处于数据接收状态,当有数据到达串口时,串口将数据接收保存在寄存器中暂存 ⑶串口发送数据:等数据接收完成后,将寄存器中暂存的数据通过串口发送给该数据的来源地。 ⑷实验测试方法:在上位机上通过串口调试助手软件发送一个十六进制数据给单片机,单片机收到数据后立即把这个数据又发回给PC,并在串口调试助手显示。 -Parrot: SCM and PC-PC communicat
- 通过PC端的串口调试工具,从PC端发出一个十六进制的数, 通过串口传输到单片机,并有单片机通过 LED数码管显示其ASII码,而且单片机又将 这个数发回PC端,并在PC端显示出来,从而 实现单片机与PC机的通讯-PC serial port through the end of debugging tools, from the PC client sends a hexadecimal number, through the serial transmission
- AVR单片机的TWI C 程序源码,一个设置TWI主机模式向丛机发送数据的函数,-AVR MCU TWI C program source code, this function setup TWI in master mode and sends data to slave.
- AVR单片机TWI设置函数C 程序,该函数设置TWI为主机模式并向丛机发送数据-this function setup TWI in master mode and sends data to slave.
- 通过对其他国家对超载问题的治理措施及研究现状的深入分析,详细地分析了超载超限对我国道路运输的影响。为了有效的控制超载现象,必须从根本上解决该问题,在这样的技术手段的背景下。本文提出了把车辆载重信号转化为电信号输出到超载控制器,再由超载控制器判断是否超载,进而向超载限定执行机构发出相应的指令,并通过CAN总线和车辆中的其他智能设备如发动机控制单元ECU进行数据通信,确定出最佳方案控制车辆工况,并通过蓝牙技术无线发送车主信息到车辆管理所,对有交管部门超载车主进行处罚,达到威慑目的。本方案的可实行性比
- 通过PC端的串口调试工具,从PC端发出一个十六进制的数,通过串口传输到单片机,单片机通过LED数码管显示出来,而且单片机又将这个数发回PC端,并在PC端显示出来,从而实现单片机与PC机的通讯.-Through the debugging tools of PC serial port,the client PC sends a hexadecimal number by serial port to the MCU,then the MCU displays the number on LED
- C8051f340的usb_hid固件学习程序。采用c语言编写,有利于新手学习。-This program demonstrates how the Firmware Template can be used to create a system that communicates with a PC application. The PC application sends LED blinking patterns to the Target Board.
- Every time a byte becomes available from the serial port, then "RxD_data_ready" is active for one clock period. The PC sends us data through the serial port in 8-bits mode. Ideally, we would need to receive 9 bits from the PC, so that we can drive
- nrf905无线发射模块发送c程序,无线遥控,NRF905,STC2052AD,12M ,keil-nrf905 wireless transmitter module sends c procedure, wireless remote control, NRF905, STC2052AD, 12M, keil
- 基于149单片机的AT24C02(I2C协议)实验,CPU向IIC总线发送数据,之后再从IIC总线读取并显示在数码管上,实际上操作的是EEPROM.器件挂接在IIC总线上,写数据时,主机发送后得等到从机应答信号才能进行继续发数据,否则stop();读数据时,主机接收到从机数据时,得主机完成IIC总线的应答才能继续读取数据-Based on 149 SCM AT24C02 (I2C protocol) experiments, CPU sends data to the IIC bus, foll
- 采用VC++,软件完成的功能主TCP通讯。服务器与客户端,客户端发送什么服务器回发接收到的数据,发送的数据可以自己选择-Using VC++, the software functions of the completion of the main TCP communications. Server and the client, the client what the server sends back the data received, send the data to choose t
- has th code if an ingress router that sends packets of data between 2 computers connected via a LAN
- PC机键盘控制MCU产生PWM波,进而控制电动机的转速 利用52单片机外部晶振11.0592MHz,产生准确的波特率119200,实现MCU与PC机的通信,PC机发送字符在 1 - 9 范围内时,MCU的IO口即响应输出对应占空比的pwm波(占空比10 -90 ,10 步进),Pwm波由定时器T0模拟产生。 胡雪川 huxuec@yahoo.com.cn 2010.1.2 程序有待改进完善,不足之处,欢迎各位提出-PC-keyboard control MCU gen
- 使用MSP430F149芯片,透过串口给电脑发送数据,波特率9600,8数据,无校验,。发送的数据先是 MCU sends 0~127 to PC and the\\n screen will display their corresponding\\n ASCII code as follows:然后是01234567890123456789abcdefgh......,每发送一个数据回车一次-MSP430F149 chip to send data to the computer throu