- This a c_based JATG.This code assumes that you have a JTAG parallel cable connected to your PC // Works with Xilinx parallel III or Altera ByteBlasterMV/
- 温度测量,其测量的温度可以精确到小数后2位,而且为一根数据线传数据,很简单易懂。-Temperature measurement, the measurement of temperature can be accurate to two decimal places, but also a data cable to transfer data, it is easy to understand.
- s3c2440 arm 开发版的jtag与pc并口的连接线,适合自己制作-Development version of s3c2440 arm with the pc parallel port JTAG cable, suitable to produce their own
- 索智的cs9800芯片数据手册,保密的东西,外面下载不到的-Cable wise cs9800 chip data sheet, confidential things, not the outside download
- 利用CY7C68013A制作的Blaster下载线,里面有固件,还有Protel格式的原理图和PCB文件,可以直接做板使用-CY7C68013A produced using the Blaster download cable, which has the firmware, as well as the format of Protel schematic and PCB files can be directly used to do board
- fs44b0x_usb -- usb 测试程序 PC机部分的软件 1) LEDDEMO -- 控制 FS44B0X板上三个LED的程序 2) D12_DRIVER_FOR_WIN98 -- USB芯片WIN98的驱动程序 3) D12_DRIVER_FOR_WINXP -- USB芯片WINXP的驱动程序 FS44B0X板的USB固件程序--源代码 USB_DEMO 使用方法: 1)在SDT2.51里调入usb_demo.axf, 运行。 2)接
- PC机部分的软件 1) LEDDEMO -- 控制 SW44B0板上三个LED的程序 2) D12_DRIVER_FOR_WIN98 -- USB芯片WIN98的驱动程序 FS44B0X板的USB固件程序--源代码 USB_DEMO 使用方法: 1)在SDT2.51里调入usb_demo.axf, 运行。 2)接上usb电缆,安装win98的d12驱动程序 3) 运行 LEDDEMO ,用鼠标点击led1, led2, led3,可以看到FS4
- 用于Atnel8仿真IC卡Nagra加解扰有线电视系统。-Atnel8 simulation for IC card cable system Nagra encryption.
- 用于Atmel88仿真IC卡Nagra加解扰有线电视系统。-Atmel88 simulation for IC card cable system Nagra encryption.
- sjf2440 v 0.3 Samsung 2440x jtag programmer with cable schema and source code
- 目标平台:PXA255 Flash类型:Intel StrataFlash P30 16位 使用简介: 1、 解压附件,将目录复制到D:\JFlash下,可以看到目录Jflash和GIVEIO; 2、 安装GIVEIO,连接Jtag线到目标板; 3、 使用Jflash进行烧写;-Target platform: PXA255 Flash Type: Intel StrataFlash P30 16 Wei Use Descr iption: 1, extract attach
- Stellaris® Evaluation Kit for Keil RealView® MDK The Stellaris® Evaluation Kits provide a low-cost way to start designing with Stellaris microcontrollers using Keil’s RealView Microcontroller Development Kit (MDK) for ARM
- The application reads picture-files in standard Windows BMP-format from a SD-Card and shows them on a 2.8" color-LCD-module (320*240 px). The following hard- and software has been used: DPF Hardware: STM32 Mini Board (STM32 "medium density") wit
- 自己设计的STC单片机学习板,有完整原理图和PCB,具有STC免手冷启动功能,省去每次烧程序都按电源开关的烦恼,一个USB线,搞定所有试验!-STC microcontroller design their own learning board, complete schematic and PCB, STC hands-free cold start function, eliminating the need for each burn program troubles by the pow
- 了解 CAN 总线通信原理,实现利用 CAN 总线完成通信 在进行实验的时候,需要将两块开发板连接 USB 线进行充电,因为利用 CAN 总线进 行通信需要有较高的驱动能力。-Learn CAN bus communication theory, to achieve complete CAN bus communication when carrying out the experiment, you will need two development boards connect
- NXP MPC2300 I2S 音频demo板演示程序-* This Demo program uses a Keil MPC2300 board with * an attached I2S Audio demo board. The daughter board * includes a UDA1341 Audio Chip from NXP Semiconductors. * The UDA1341 is an economy audio CODEC for portable
- zc301摄像头实现视频采集并通过网线传输到上位机显示-zc301 camera for video capture and transmission through the network cable to the PC display
- 采用spi接口实现芯片 M2516的控制,采用4跟接口线就简便的实现控制存储的功能-M2516 using spi interface control chip, using four with interface cable for easy storage capabilities to achieve control
- ADC sample code for LPC1768 ARM Cortex M7, download using JTAG cable.
- 路虎开发板LPC1768官方一个USB虚拟串口例程,适合开发USB转串口线等应用-Land Rover LPC1768 development board official a USB virtual serial port routines, suitable for developing applications such as USB to serial cable