- Linux 操作系统提供进程间通信(IPC)机制,用来保证正在执行的进程在内核的协调下能够 共享资源、同步以及交换数据等。Linux 支持大量进程间通信机制,包括信号、等待队列、管道 以及Unix 系统V 中提供的进程间通信机制,如消息队列、信号量和共享内存。-Linux operating system to provide inter-process communication (IPC) mechanism used to ensure that the process is being
- Trolltech公司发布的基于C++图形开发环境,支持大量的API,是Linux下的图形界面开发利器。这是较早的版本,但在嵌入式系统的移植比较成功!-Trolltech released on C graphical development environment to support a large number of API, is the Linux GUI development of weapon. This is an earlier version, but in the emb
- Trolltech公司发布的基于C++图形开发环境,简称Qt/E,支持大量的API,是Linux下的图形界面开发利器。这是一个较新的可开发嵌入式图形界面的版本。-Trolltech released on C graphical development environment, called Qt / E and large API, Linux graphical interface development weapon. This is a relatively new developmen
- UCOS2 下的TCP/IP 协议,自己的高质量源码不多,有些也不是很通用,希望这个源码能为贵网添砖加瓦,我怀着虔诚的心想加入这个大集体!-UCOS2 under the TCP / IP protocol, source of high-quality small, some not very common. hope your source for network building blocks, I thought with the pious to join the large grou
zlg sdmmc
- 周立功的 SD/MCC 卡的源码,自己的高质量源码不多,希望这个源码能为贵网添砖加瓦,我怀着虔诚的心想加入这个大集体!-weeks meritorious SD / MCC cards source, the source of high-quality small, hope your source for network building blocks, I thought with the pious to join the large group!
- 根据添加了fs2410平台的arch目录,内含对大量硬件平台的支持,赞-added fs2410 under the arch directory platform, containing a large number of hardware platforms to support, praise
- 嵌入式系统中菜单程序的编写,可移植性好,通用性强大-Embedded system menu preparation process, portability, and versatility large
- 用于yaffs文件系统生成可执行文件的映像文件,资源中包含mkyaffs2image和mkyaffs2image-128M,分别用于NandFlash的小页和大页的情况-For yaffs file system image file to generate an executable file, the resource contains mkyaffs2image and mkyaffs2image-128M, respectively, for NandFlash small pages
- 移植成功的u-boot1.2.0源码,支持TX2440开发板或者2K大页面nandflash,DM9000a网卡的其他厂家的2440开发板。可设置环境变量以nandflash、网络(tftp以及nfs都可)引导内核,适合初学者进行代码分析或者作为上层开发人员的内核引导工具。 备注:本源码在ubuntu10.04系统下,采用arm-linux-softfloat-gnu-gcc2.4.5编译器编译成功,并在TX2440开发板上完美运行。-Successful transplantation o
- yaffs文件系统源码,YAFFS是第一个专门为NAND Flash存储器设计的嵌入式文件系统,适用于大容量的存储设备;并且是在GPL(General Public License)协议下发布的-yaffs file system source code, YAFFS is the first specifically for NAND Flash memory design for embedded file system for large-capacity storage devices
- arm中最好的书,对了解arm 有很多大帮主,快来看看啊,别错过哦,-Book the best arm on the arm to understand there are many large帮主, fast来看看啊, Oh Do not miss
- 教你写makefile,讲述大型工程管理规则。是嵌入式学习的必备基础。-Teach you to write makefile, describes the rules governing large-scale projects. An essential basis for embedded learning.
- spasion Winbond,intel ST,STM,EON等绝大部分主流厂家全系列 norflash底层驱动程序范例,在mip + linux架构下调试通过,已用于大规模量产,对采用flash的设备驱动有借鉴意义-spasion Winbond, intel ST, STM, EON and so most of the mainstream manufacturers a full range of low-level driver norflash examples of archit
- qq2440的非操作系统测试代码,包括串口.LCD屏.ADC,USB,RTC,IIC,DMA,等操作,数目量大,在其它的网站上是找不到的,是学习ARM不可多得的好材料。建议大家在熟悉此代码的基础上可以试着改写以熟炼此内容。-qq2440 non-operating test code, including the serial port. LCD screen. ADC, USB, RTC, IIC, DMA, and other operations, the number of large,
- 这本书是Linux初学者入门的重要实例教程,其中包括了大量的Linux下c语言编程实例和Linux基本指令,对Linux初学者入门有极大的帮助。-This book is an important example of Linux Getting Started tutorial for beginners, including a large number of c language programming examples and the basic Linux commands, Linu
- 嵌入式系统具备下列特性: 1. 通常只执行特定功能,这一点与一般桌上型办公设备或数据库系统有很大区别。 2. 以微电脑与周边器件构成核心,其规模可在大范围内变化,如从8051芯片到x86芯片。 3. 要求严格的时序和稳定性,这是因为在机器控制的大型系统中,程序运行稍有差错则可能使得整个系统失去控制,甚至酿成灾害。 4. 全自动操作循环-Embedded systems have the following features: 1. Usually perform a speci
- 东西、南北两干道交于一个十字路口,各干道有一组红、黄、绿三色的指示灯,指挥车辆和行人安全通行。红灯亮禁止通行,绿灯亮允许通行。黄灯亮提示人们注意红、绿灯的状态即将切换,且黄灯燃亮时间为东西、南北两干道的公共停车时间。设东西道比南北道的车流量大,指示灯燃亮的方案如表。 60S 5S 80S 5S …… 东西道 红灯亮 黄灯亮 绿灯亮 黄灯亮 …… 南北道 绿灯亮 黄灯亮 红灯亮 黄灯亮 …… 表说明: (1)当东西方向为红灯,此道车辆禁止通行,东西
- linux下支持大页nand(2K+128)烧写的yaffs2根文件系统,编译即可运行,能生成正确的格式。-linux to support large page nand (2K+128) programming of the yaffs2 root file system, compiled to be run, to generate the correct format.
- 基于ARM9的高清播放器的系统设置功能模块,含有大量基本功能模块代码可以供参考,如万年历等。-ARM9-based system to set high-definition player function module, containing a large number of basic functions of the module code can be used for reference, such as calendar and so on.
- 基于ARM9的高清媒体播放器系统设置模块,包含多个基本功能小模块,可以用做类似功能参考,如日历,闹钟等。-ARM9-based system to set high-definition player function module, containing a large number of basic functions of the module code can be used for reference, such as calendar and so on.