- Project System information, this system for manage the project including estimate budget, time, resources-Project System information, this system for manage the project including estimate budget, time, resources
- 测试在所有的软件开发过程中都是最重要的部分。在软件开发过程中,一方面要求 我们通过测试活动验证所开发的软件在功能上满足软件需求中描述的每一条特性, 性能上满足客户要求的负载压力和相应的响应时间、吞吐量要求;另一方面,面向 市场和客户,开发团队还要满足在预算范围内尽快发布软件的要求。-Test all the software development process is the most important part. In the software development proc
- 低成本的温度湿度传感器,湿度传感器HONEYWELL HCH-1000-002,温度传感器LM335AZ-This is a low cost way of measuring temperature and humidity with a computer interface and is intended to be an entry level project for high school students on a tight budget. Humidity sensor HON
- 需收集的客戶資訊 購買軟體目的、動機(新購、換軟體、參考) 確認需哪些軟體(STK.MRP.ACT.TRD) 客戶產業別、最終產品、工廠分點、使用人數 有無電腦化、網路架構為何 找到決策者 瞭解購買預算、導入時間 瞭解有無其他競爭廠商(擬定下步決策) 瞭解客戶之流程(以我們的流程為主慢慢推敲) -Need to purchase software to collect customer information intent, motive (new purch
- 基于89C51单片机和LM358预算放大器的纸张计数器。通过语音进行计算纸张。-Based on the 89 C51 and LM358 budget of the amplifier paper counters. Through calculation of voice paper.
- 简单的计算器的实现,4*4输入,可实现简单的加减乘除预算。-The realization of a simple calculator, 4* 4 input, simple addition and subtraction, multiplication and division budget.
- 此电子密码锁程序,加密性强,采用数组方式进行预算,无法解密,有一定的实用价值。-This electronic locks program, strong encryption, using an array of budget, can not be decrypted, there are some practical value.