- 该文档详细描述了内存发展的技术,以及各代内存的工作原理-The document describes in detail the development of the memory technology, as well as the generation of memory Principle
VX_IEC101(password luckycy)
- 与主站IEC101规约通讯,完成与科东公司主站、国电南自、南瑞科技等公司主站通讯 Tornado2.0编译,无故障运行与研华HE-8XX系列主板3年以上 解压密码luckycy-master IEC101 and the Statute of communication, complete with the East Branch Corporation stations, the South since the country's electric, NAN technology
- 与IEC104规约主站通讯,完成与科东公司、国电南自、南瑞科技主站通讯 Tornado2.0编译,无故障运行与研华HE-8XX系列主板3年以上 解压密码luckycy-IEC104 Statute and the main communications station, complete with the East Branch, the South since the country's electric, NAN communications technology maste
MPC8377 Wisermind MPC8377开发板的硬件资料
- 这是北京智心胜达科技有限公司MPC8377开发板的硬件资料,内有板卡原理图和Linux版本vxworks版本的介绍,对MPC8377的设计开发者应该很有帮助,特别是硬件设计人员而言。-This is the Beijing Wisermind Technology Co., Ltd. MPC8377 hardware development board information board within the schematic and Linux versions of vxworks ver
- 基于VXWORKS H323通信技术源代码,非常有价值的语音呼叫程序,VXWORKS H323 communication technology based on source code, very valuable voice calls procedures
- VxWorks是WindRiver公司推出的一个实时操作系统,它 是一个运行在目标机上的高性能、可裁减的嵌入式实时操作系 统。它以其良好的可靠性和卓越的实时性被广泛地应用在通 信、军事、航空、航天等高精尖技术及实时性要求极高的领域 中,如卫星通讯、军事演习、弹道制导、飞机导航等。-WindRiver Introduces VxWorks is a real-time operating system, it is a run on the target machine of hi
- 基于实时嵌入式系统的voip系统(real time embeded system)。主要难点在实时处理语音信号。语音信号基于其自身特点,要求实时不可有延迟。本源程序基于cpu:cs4281开发,在vxworks上验证通过。现公开预研阶段的测试版本。方便初学者学习基于vxworks的语音处理技术。-Based on real-time embedded system voip system (real time embeded system). The main difficulty in re
- 盛博科技的PC104 3072的vxworks BSP-Sainsbury technology vxworks BSP for PC104 3072
- VxWorks操作系统论文,包含了设备驱动程序,总线配置技术,串行通信,视频音频采集系统的设计等。-Papers VxWorks operating system, including a device driver, bus configuration technology, serial communications, video and audio acquisition system design.
- 收集了VxWorks操作系统下双冗余以太网实现技术的几篇论文,精选了其中比较有价值几篇文献。-Collected under the VxWorks operating system, dual redundant Ethernet technology, few papers, selected several of them quite valuable literature.
- vxworks实时技术在雷达指挥系统中的应用,对从事相关实时开发人员很有帮助。 -vxworks real-time technology in the radar command system, real-time developers engaged in the relevant helpful.
- 这是北京智心胜达科技有限公司vxworks 66下的串口扩展驱动程序源代码,应该对vxworks下开发串口有所帮助。-This is the Beijing Wisermind Technology Co., Ltd. vxworks 66 serial port expansion under the driver source code, should be developed under vxworks serial help.
- Vx Works环境下双冗余以太网卡技术在底层驱动中的实现-Of Vx Works environment under the dual redundant Ethernet card technology in the realization of the underlying driver
- 介绍了CompactPCI 总线、接口技术、配置空间的内容和操作方法。详细说明在VxWorks 实时操作系统下配置 CompactPCI 总线设备的方法。硬件中断处理是实时系统设计中的关键问题。该设计将外部中断与中断服务程序连接, 并控制QL5064 PCI 接口的中断控制寄存器。在中断服务程序中使用信号量实现任务间的同步,保证了系统实时数据 采集的可靠性。-CompactPCI bus interface technology, the contents of the config
- VxWorks6.6的GPIO测试应用程序。因为VxWorks6以后的应用程序使用RTP技术,所以会和6.0之前版本的APP工程不同。此工程是基于RTP工程写的测试程序,可以直接导入到Woorkbench中,编译使用。帮助大家了解RTP工程的结构和GPIO的一般操作流程。-VxWorks6.6 the GPIO test application. Because VxWorks6 future applications use RTP technology, it will be before
- 从零基础学习数字信号处理,内容丰富,功能强大,值得学习-Learning digital signal processing based on zero, rich in content, powerful, it is worth learning
- 天嵌科技2440,学习vxworks的bsp,基于风河的tornado平台,学习arm的2440的好资料(Sky embedded technology 2440, learning VxWorks's BSP, based on Fenghe's Tornado platform, learning 2440 of arm's good information.)
- VxWorks调试技术详细教程,不要错过哦。(VxWorks Debugging Technology Detailed Tutorial.)