- 这是本人用Matlab实现音频噪声滤除的试验,要求分析并选用适当滤波器-using Matlab audio noise filtering tests, requirements analysis and the choice of appropriate filter
- ccs教程详细描述了CCS的使用方法,对于DSP学习者来说是个不错的选择,ccs tutorial describes in detail the use of CCS, for Learner DSP is a good choice
- 2812 ad 程序 详细介绍ad的使用和用法 ,是非常不错的选择。 -2812 ad ad program details the use and usage, is a very good choice.
- 关于dsp选择的pdf文档,很好的材料。找了好久才搞到的!-Dsp choice on the pdf document, a very good material. Looking for a long time to get it!
- 轨道FSK信号发送的小函数。这个函数虽然少,但却是在无数可行方案中选的最优,性能最佳的。在这基础上进行信号处理很不错的。-FSK signal sent from the track a small function. This function, though a small, but they are numerous options in the optimal choice, the best performance. In this based on the signal proces
- DSP 入门教程 本文主要介绍DSP开发的一些基础知识,包括DSP的选型,编程语言的选择,仿真器调试等等介绍。-DSP Tutorial DSP development of this paper, some basic knowledge, including DSP selection, the choice of programming languages, debugging, etc., introduced simulator.
- 国德州仪器公司(TI)的TMS320VC54XX系列DSP芯片与PC机实现异步通信通常有两种方法:第一种是使用通用I/O信号XF和BIO作为串口发送和接收信号,用软件逐位发送和接收数据,即软件异步通信方法,这种方法需要占用很多CPU时间,因此,只能在DSP不太忙、实时性要求不高的情况下采用;第二种是通过扩展异步通信芯片来实现高速串行通信,本文选用的就是此方法。 -State of Texas Instruments (TI) of TMS320VC54XX series DSP chip a
- 此次设计要求完成的任务是基于DSP的原理基础上设计一个能够产生方波、三角波、阶梯波,波形可选择,且参数可调得波形发生器。-The design requirements of the tasks is based on the principle of DSP based on the design to produce a square wave, triangle wave, step-wave, waveform choice, and the adjustable parameters
- 基于DSP的DM642开发板做的视频图像处理程序源代码,有详细的注释,对视频图像处理研究者来说是个不错的选择,-Based on the DM642 DSP development board to do the video image processing program source code, there are detailed notes on the video image processing researchers is a good choice,
- dsPIC编程建立平台参考,dsPIC是含有dsp内核的PIC,运行速度快,是工业控制的首选-dsPIC programming to create a platform for reference, dsPIC is dsp core with PIC, running speed, is the first choice for industrial control
- ADI DSP各种型号选择,是开发参考的手册-ADI DSP various models of choice, is to develop a reference manual
- dsp5416的实验小程序,初学5416的初学者最好的选择-dsp5416 small experimental program, beginner best choice for beginners 5416
- 讲述信号处理的方法,结合信号处理,用matlab编程进行理解和应用。-A kind of good choice for people who are learning signal processing with matlab
- Proteus仿真平台上将uC-OS II系统移植到ARM7芯片上。包含工程和实验报告文档!!! 选用LPC2131 ARM7芯片,选用PG160128A作为液晶显示器,其分辨率为160*128,在成功实现移植uC-OS II的基础上,经不断调试,最终系统可以实现两个任务: (1)在PG160128A液晶上显示一张人头像; (2)LED灯每隔1s亮一下。 -UC-OS II system, the Proteus simulation platform will be porte
- 该实验报告对指纹识别系统整体的构建进行了说明,其中还包括遇到的问题以及解决过程的分析。对指纹识别系统的总体设计和各部分设计进行了相应说明,首先将整个系统分为三个部分:指纹预处理,特征值提取和指纹特征匹配;其中指纹预处理部分又可分为:指纹图像的分割、均衡、增强、二值化、细化等部分。每部分选择最优化的算法,首先用C语言进行软件实现,然后与硬件相结合,以DSP TMS320VC5416为平台,在DSP集成开发环境CCS上进行算法调试。 -The test reports on fingerprin
- 学习TMS320C5509A芯片所涉及到的一些模块代码,采用ccs3.3开发,仿真器为xds510,欢迎大家有选择的下载-Some modules of code involved in learning TMS320C5509A chip, using ccs3.3 developed simulator is xds510, welcome to have a choice to download
- 学习TMS320C5509A芯片所涉及到的一些模块代码,采用ccs3.3开发,仿真器为xds510-Some modules of code involved in learning TMS320C5509A chip, using ccs3.3 developed simulator is xds510, welcome to have a choice to download
- AMBE-3000R_manual.rar,音频芯片,做音频方面可以参考-Digital Voice System s AMBE-3000™ Vocoder Chip is an extremely flexible, voice compression solution that sets a new standard for quality, high-performance speech compression hardware. The AMBE-3000™ Vo
- The inherent robustness of OFDM against multipath effects makes it an excellent choice for situations where multiple transmitters are used simultaneously (to avoid shadowing effects) and a path difference to the receiver exists. One of the ma
- The inherent robustness of OFDM against multipath effects makes it an excellent choice for situations where multiple transmitters are used simultaneously (to avoid shadowing effects) and a path difference to the receiver exists. One of the ma