- 内附多路选择器,74系列芯片VHDL源码,加法器,FIR,比较器等大量例子,对初学VHDL语言很有好处。可用maxplus,quartus,synplicity等综合软件进行调试-contains multiple-choice, 74 chips VHDL source code, the adder, FIR, comparators, etc. are plenty of examples for beginners VHDL very good. Available maxplus, Q
- 三种方法编写多路选择器的VHDL源代码 分别使用if else ,select ,when 语句-three methods to prepare multiple choice of VHDL source code were used if else, select, when words
- 自动售货机 l 设计要求: 1.机器有一个投币孔,每次只能投入一枚硬币,但可以连续投入多枚硬币。机器能识别的硬币金额为1元,5角和1角。顾客可选择的饮料价格有1元,1元5角,2元三种。每次只能售出1瓶饮料。 2.购买饮料时先选择饮料价格再投币,当投入的硬币总金额达到或超过饮料价格后,机器发出指示信号并拒收继续投入的硬币。顾客投币后,按动确定键,机器将发出饮料和找零硬币,若所投金额不足,则发出欠资信号指示。在欠资情况下,顾客可以继续投币购买,也可按取消键,机器将退出所投入的全部金额。
- 这是我电子线路测试的作业,在FPGA板上实现数字钟,(Max2环境)采用VHDL语言编写,非常适合初学者。具备24小时计时,校时,低高音整点报时,定时和多重功能选择的功能。-This is my test of electronic circuits operating at the FPGA board digital clock (Max2 Environment) using VHDL language, very suitable for beginners. 24-hour time,
- 程序实现自动售货机的核心功能,设有3种价格的商品,可选择数量,有找钱功能。-program vending machine at the core function, with three kinds of commodity prices, the number of choice, having to function.
- 18bit的booth乘法器 采用booth2编码 Wallace压缩树 以及超前进位结合进位选择的36bit高性能加法器,18bit multipliers used booth2 the booth encoding and Wallace tree compression-ahead into the location choice of high-performance 36bit adder
- 长度可以控制的脉冲发生器,实际使用过,VHDL编写,放心下载-pulse generator,good choice.
- 基于VHDL的选择运算器,可以通过选择端选择加减与或四种运算,每个时钟周期刷新结果一次。注释已给出。-The choice of VHDL-based computing device, you can choose by selecting the side addition and subtraction with or four kinds of operations, the results of one per clock cycle refresh. Note has been gi
- hrisc cpu,为何只有vhdl选择呢?大家都用verilog的啊-hrisc cpu why only VHDL choice? We all use the Verilog ah
- DDR SDRAM控制器的VHDL源代码,含详细设计文档。 The DDR, DCM, and SelectI/O™ features in the Virtex™ -II architecture make it the perfect choice for implementing a controller of a Double Data Rate (DDR) SDRAM. The Digital Clock Manager (DCM) provides t
- 4對2解碼器 利用CASE方式來做選擇 較類似C語言-4 2 decoder to use to make a choice of more CASE manner similar to C language
- 某自动售货机售A,B,C3种商品,他们的价格分别为1,3,4。 售票机进接受一元硬币。售货机面板上设有投币孔和退钱建,每种商品标识处有选择按键,上有指示灯表明当前投币说是否已经足够选买该商品。 -Vending machine sales to a certain A, B, C3 commodities, their prices were 1,3,4. Into the ticket vending machines to accept dollar coins. Coin dis
- 本次实验,是在 SOPC开发平台上实现一个音频信号发生器,将音箱接到开发平台上的 音频接口,由六个按键控制音箱发出 do、re、mi、fa、so、la 等音调,同时,编写几段音乐, 通过键盘选择,利用开发平台来播放几段音乐。 -The experiment is SOPC development platform to achieve an audio signal generator, the speaker received a development platform for th
- 本数字示波器以单片机和FPGA为核心,对采样方式的选择和等效采样技术的实现进行了重点设计,使作品不仅具有实时采样方式,而且采用随机等效采样技术实现了利用实时采样速率为1MHz的ADC进行最大200MHz的等效采样。-The digital oscilloscope and a single-chip FPGA as the core, the choice of the sampling methods and the equivalent sampling technique designed
- 在对信号频率进行测量的研究过程中,设计了三个测量档位,在不同的档位的到频率的精确度也不同,并且选择不同档位,相应的小数点的位置也不同。-In the study to measure signal frequency, the design of the three measuring stalls in different stalls to the frequency accuracy are different, and the choice of different stalls, th
- 16*16点阵循环显示8个汉字,有背景MIDI音乐输出,有一个键盘控制音乐的选择,还附带乐曲弹奏功能。有比较详细的注解。-16* 16 dot matrix display cycle of 8 Chinese characters, with background MIDI music output, there is a keyboard to control the choice of music, but also with music playing capabilities. Mor
- 实现六选一的功能,六位四进制输入,实现同步位选,再加一个译码器就可以实现动态扫描和译码了-Achieve the six elected a function of 6 4 binary inputs, synchronization Choice, coupled with a decoder can be dynamically scan and decode the
- 实现步进电机的细分驱动和不细分驱动及选择。正反转,工作使能控制,在开发板上测试过,工作良好-Stepper motor to achieve sub-drive and do not subdivided driving and choice. Positive inversion, work to enable control board in the development of tested, working good
- 详细介绍了DDS原理,文档容易理解,是硬件开发者不错的选择-Details of the DDS principle, the document easy to understand, is a good choice for hardware developers ....
- 数字频率计 采用Verilog语言编写,分为8个模块,分别是计数器,门控,分频,寄存器,多路选择,动态位选择,BCD译码模块-Digital frequency meter using Verilog language, divided into eight modules, namely, the counter, gated, frequency, register, multiplexer, Dynamic Choice, BCD decoding module