- 【经典设计】VHDL源代码下载~~ 其中经典的设计有:【自动售货机】、【电子钟】、【红绿灯交通信号系统】、【步进电机定位控制系统】、【直流电机速度控制系统】、【计算器】、【点阵列LED显示控制系统】 基本数字逻辑设计有:【锁存器】、【多路选择器】、【三态门】、【双向输入|输出端口】、【内部(缓冲)信号】、【编码转换】、【加法器】、【编码器/译码器】、【4位乘法器】、【只读存储器】、【RSFF触发器】、【DFF触发器】、【JKFF触发器】、【计数器】、【分频器】、【寄存器】、【状态机】
- This a vhdl programme for realise an electron watch by max-plus II. The function includes time showing and time setting. It may be extended to other functions like alarming clock and so forth.
- 2008自由电子FPGA开发板介绍MODELSIM经典教程-2008 free-electron FPGA development board, introduced the classic ModelSim Tutorial
- 开锁代码为2位十进制并行码。 当输入的密码与锁内的密码一致时,绿灯亮,开锁;当输入的密码与所内的密码不一致时,红灯亮,不能开锁。 密码可由用户自行设置。 密码可由七段数码管显示出来。 -The design is based on the VHDL language, using the MAX+ plusII parallel electron two locks design, and design process described in detail. VHDL lan
- than dc parameter (saturation current, threshold voltage, etc.) degradation. An electron beam probing was performed on a 64-Mb DRAM chip to detect the influence of gate capacitance variation in dynamic circuit blocks before and after hot-carr
- for the first time, the impact of hotcarrier-induced gate capacitance variation on dynamic circuits in a VLSI chip. To investigate the mismatch drift due to the hot-carrier-induced gate capacitance variation, internal probing was performed at