- Moving panes can get confusing, and you may not always obtain the results you expect. Practice moving a pane around, watching the gray outline to see what happens when you drop it in various places. Your layout will be saved when you exit ModelSi
- 使用EP1C3器件DIY 数码相框 之所以选择 DIY 数码相框,并不是期望可以做个多么像样的产品出来,毕竟消费类数码产品 的市场竞争是很激烈的,任何一个成熟产品的成本都会被剥削到最低。市场上的数码相框一 般是以带液晶驱动外设的 ARM 处理器为主实现上述的所有功能,而这个工程恰恰相反,所有 的功能也都会使用 FPGA 来完成。但是话说回来,FPGA 是硬件,虽然有很多硬件固有特性所 具备的优势,但是其设计灵活性方面还是和软件无法媲美的,所以这个工程项目最终实现的 数码相
- USB 1.1 slave/device IP core. Default configuration is 6 endpoints: 1 Control, 1 Isochronous IN, 1, Isochronous Out, 1 Bulk IN, 1 Bulk Out, 1 Interrupt IN. Includes control engine, providing full enumeration process in hardware - no external mi
- Using the UART core is the similar to using the standard 16550 UART, expect that the FIFO’s are always enabled, and there is no sticky parity.