FPGA/keyboard interface is shown in figure 1. When the FPGA “reads” the Data or
Clock inputs both PS2Data_out and PS2Clk_out are kept low which puts the tri-state buffers
in high impedance mode. When the FPGA "writes" a logic 0 on an output, the
FPGA & MCU 开发板介绍
实验1 QuartusII 软件应用
实验2 Keil C51 应用
实验3 字符型LCD YM1602 的应用
实验4 带字库的中文LCD YM12864 的应用
实验5 时钟芯片DS1302 的应用
实验6 I2C 总线器件AT24C64 的应用
实验7 数字温度传感器的应用
实验8 行列式键盘
实验9 硬件电子琴的设计
实验10 AD 与DA 的使用
实验11 简易DDS 信号源设计
实验12 用模
主要介绍VHDL下,电子时钟、LCD、LED、电子琴,电梯等开发程序。-Introduces the VHDL, the electronic clock, LCD, LED, keyboard, elevator and other development programs.
对sparten 3E fpga的板子的一个各个功能模块的多功能vhdl程序,包括键盘防抖,数字时钟等-Sparten 3E fpga of the board of a multi-purpose function modules vhdl procedures, including keyboard, image stabilization, digital clock, etc.
基于FPGA的1602时钟显示,驱动1602显示时钟,矩阵键盘调时-1602 FPGA-based clock display, clock display driver 1602, when the transfer matrix keyboard
FPGA平台下基于Nios II的数字闹钟的源程序,从DS1302读取时钟数据,在LCD12864上显示出来,按键控制闹钟设定,蜂鸣器闹铃。-Digital clock Nios II source program based on the FPGA platform, clock read data from the DS1302, in the LCD12864 display, keyboard control alarm, buzzer alarm.
基于altera FPGA的多功能数字钟程序,但是不是简单的数字钟,还支持VGA图形化钟表显示,并且有鼠标,键盘,温度显示等等功能。-Altera FPGA based multi-functional digital clock program, but not a simple digital clock, timepiece also supports VGA graphics display, and there is a mouse, keyboard, temperature dis
具有计时 设置时间 闹钟 秒表 功能的数字钟设计 外设矩阵键盘(Digital clock design peripheral matrix keyboard with the function of timing setting time alarm clock stopwatch)