- 本教程使用最新的Quartus 11.0sp1+Nios 11.0sp1开发工具。在最新的Quartus II软件中,使用了全新的Qsys进行SOPC系统的构建。 较之以前版本使用SOPC Builder构建有了很大的不同。 本教程为Altera最新的官方Tutorial。 一步步教你使用Qsys构建Nios II系统,并使用Nios II SBT开发应用程序。-This tutorial uses the latest Quartus 11.0sp1+ Nios 11.0sp1 d
- Altera公司原版设计手册,nios ii ide profiling模式使用。-This application note describes a variety of ways to measure the performance of a Nios® II system with three tools: the GNU profiler, called nios2-elf-gprof, the timestamp interval timer component,
vga control
- This tutorial familiarizes you with the Nios® II Software Build Tools (SBT) for Eclipse and the MicroC/OS-II development flow. The Nios II SBT for Eclipse offers designers a rich development platform for Nios II applications. The Nios II SBT for Ecli