- 已知图象4点坐标和转换后图像相对应4点坐标, 利用openCV求出homograghy 3x3 矩阵, 然后输出变换后图像,There is an input image called "warpin". The goal is to warp this image so that the tiles are approximately square, that is the camera is rotated to look down, which produces an image call
- HOMOGRAPHY2D - computes 2D homography This code follows the normalised direct linear transformation algorithm given by Hartley and Zisserman "Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision" p92. -HOMOGRAPHY2D- computes 2D homography
- RANSACFITHOMOGRAPHY - fits 2D homography using RANSAC-RANSACFITHOMOGRAPHY- fits 2D homography using RANSAC
- 通过一张图片基于张正友标定的2D视觉标定,其结果为一个单应性矩阵,基于Opencv的角点提取,标定的计算是自己编写,内有注释和原理,已在工程实践中得到应用。-Zhang Zhengyou based 2D calibration for camera calibration by a picture, the result is a homography, extraction based on corner Opencv, the calibration is calculated to wr