- When creating applications with a complex view layout, there are several features that are missing from MFC. First, each type of view layout is created differently (simple view vs. splitter vs. nested splitter). Simple view layout does not need any a
- When creating applications with a complex view layout, there are several features that are missing from MFC. First, each type of view layout is created differently (simple view vs. splitter vs. nested splitter). Simple view layout does not need any a
- 三维图形学,逆向工程一个文件格式读入与输出的源代码,大家有意可以研究一下。-3D Computer Graphics.VC in/out source code of a file format about reverse engineering .
- directx8学习资料.里面有详细的文档说明,有丰富的例程.让你学得轻松.(应该够二十个字了吧.其实没什么好说的.下载看看就知道好不好吧.)-DirectX8 learning materials. There are detailed documents that are rich routines. You learn easily. (20 would be enough for the word of the hour. In fact, nothing more to be said
- 三维形体可视化,并且可对三维形体交互修改,实时显示.-make visualisation for 3d object is able to interact with and display 3d object in real time
- Directx 3D的矩阵转换软件实现方法,对于理解D3D的矩阵转换有很大帮助-Directx 3D matrix conversion realize in software.It will help to understand the matrix conversion
- JAVA编写的一个三维动画演示系统,采用JAVA3D制作,实现三维变换及渲染。-a 3d cartoon display system in java. it realize the 3D transform and romance by JAVA3D.
- 介绍了取景变化和模型变化,进行平移和旋转,取景变化相当于相机的变换,模型变化用来控制图形元素的位置-introduced the viewfinder change and model changes, translation and rotation of the camera viewfinder or changes transform the model used to control changes in the location of graphics elements
- Constraint Delaunay triangulations,用于剖分具有外部轮廓线或内部轮廓线的离散点集 -Constraint Delaunay triangulations, uses in to cut in half has exterior contour line or the internal contour line separate set of points
- 医学可视化算法中经典的体绘制算法的实现,在VC下实现的,对于医学可视化方面的研究很有帮助。- In medicine visible algorithm classical body plan algorithm realization, realizes under VC, has the help very much regarding the medicine visible aspect research.
- 医学可视化中经典算法——maching Cubes(移动立方体算法)的C++ 程序实现,在学习此算法的时候可以参考次程序。-The Marching Cubes algorithm is a classical arithmetic in medicinal visualization, this program was impolder in C++ language,you can consult it when you learn the Marching Cubes algorithm
- 这是虚拟现实技术在化工领域内的一个仿真应用,在第十届全国化工信息与自动化计算机应用年会上获得唯一的最高奖《一等奖》-This is the virtual reality technology in the field of chemical, a simulation application, in the 10th National Chemical Information and Computer Application Automation annual conference was t
- [程序语言] IE3, IE4, IE5, NS3, NS4+ [功能描述] 生成和解决迷宫问题的Java小程序,可以在支持java的浏览器中运行。迷宫以三维形式显示在窗口中。 你可以按下相应的按钮,“New”生成一个新的迷宫,“Solve”按钮用于显示求解一个迷宫问题的路径,“Clear”按钮清除解决迷宫问题的路径。 一旦生成迷宫后,你也可以自己用手工来求解它的路径,你可以使用四个箭头键来画出其路径。 对于每个迷宫问题
- K-D树源码,不错的空间查找算法,在三维重建和匹配中应用较多!-KD tree source, good space search algorithm, in the three-dimensional reconstruction and matching the application of more!
- 这是用MFC编写的使用openGL的视口代码。 CChildView::CChildView() 构造函数 CChildView::~CChildView() 析构函数 BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CChildView,CWnd ) 消息映射 BOOL CChildView::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs)创建窗口重新设置窗口参数 BOOL CChildView::PreTranslateMessage( MSG* pMsg ) 翻
- 使用opengl编写的飞机的程序,3d立体,可实现键盘控制-the program about aircraft written in opengl, 3d stereo, can be controled by keyboard
- Direct3D中的2D编程(中文版),适用于初学者,希望对大家的学习有帮助。-2D in Direct3D programming (Chinese Edition)
- 在matlab环境下面编程,最好使用2012版本及其以上,完成利用matlab软件提供的图像处理函数来完成图像匹配,3D重建的工作。最后的效果图很好,由于是利用matlab自带的图片,所以压缩文件中无图片,直接打开m文件就可以运行!-Below programming in matlab environment, it is best to use 2012 version and above, using matlab software provides complete image proc
- Graph cut algorithm in c-Graph cut algorithm in c++
- virtools中输入文字、数字等。在使用virtools制作仪器设备的虚拟现实软件时经常需要屏幕中输入变量。-input word in virtools