- ROAM Simplistic Implementation By Bryan Turner brturn@bellsouth.net January, 2000 Project file for MS Visual C++ 6.0. Requires GLUT DLL (www.opengl.org) Adjust program constants in Landscape.h and Utility.cpp. MAPS: Default
- 合理应用复用和变形,同时使用光线和透明度,用较少的代码产生较好的表现效果 ,我做的茶几,用vrml写的课程作业。-Rational use of multiplexing and deformation, using both light and transparency, with less code produce better performance results, I do coffee table, with vrml written course work.
- Shadow Map以非同步的方式於CPU端來計算,可以平衡CPU與GPU的工作負載。-Onloaded Shadows is a technique by which shadow maps can be calculated asynchronously on the CPU. By using cascades, the shadow map for objects near the camera are calculated every frame on the GPU, but the
- DX3D编程必读书籍,对于想学习DX3D编程的朋友是一本入门级读物,只需要较少的C++语言基础和Windows编程即可以编写自己的3D程序了-DX3D programming reading books, who want to learn DX3D programming is an entry-level friends, reading, requires less basic C++ language and Windows programming that you can write
- Importance-Driven Volume Rendering(IDVR)是对直接体绘制算法的一个改进,里面集成了各种直接体绘制算法,MIP,two level,IDVR等。有源代码,说明文档,论文,测试数据,帮助文档等。对深入了解直接体绘制有很大帮助。-This report presents an effi cient implementation using (Importance-Driven Volume Rendering- IDVR) t
- unity存取数据资源包,有源代码和示例,非常好用,可用于手机游戏存档,关卡初始化,速度快,占用资源少。-access packet data resources, source code and an example of unity, and is very easy to use, can be used for mobile games archive hurdles initialization, faster, less resource.
- 1.为了便于系统快速访问,采用目前被广泛使用的万维网平台;2.采用基于Web的全景技术可以获得较好的场景真实感,同时也可以花费较少的技术费用和设备费用;3.采用Flash平台,可以有较好的浏览器兼容性,从而获取相对更广泛的用户群-1 In order to facilitate rapid access to the system, using the World Wide Web is widely used platform 2 Web-based technology can obtai
- 网格简化程序,将标准的obj三维模型文件简化成为包含三角面片较少的三维模型,之后通过opengl显示出来。采用的主要算法为边坍缩算法。-Mesh simplification of procedures, the obj 3D model file standard simplified 3D model contains triangles become less, then through the OpenGL display. The main algorithm uses edge co
- 该编程通过变焦算法实现三维重建。该算法速度快,对硬件要求不高,已经调试通过,并且关键部分有注释。-The three-dimensional reconstruction by zooming programming algorithm. The algorithm is faster, less demanding on the hardware, debugging has been passed, and a key part of the Notes.
- osgearth源码,此处不能小于20个字,看我随手一打超过20个字(That is osgEarth Source Code.the words here can't less than 20 words,I just want some Open Source Code!)