- 适于海量数据的三维地层建模方法。依据该建模方 法,最终能够生成具有严格几何、拓扑关系的各地层界面模型。该建模方法具有快速处理海量数据和减少用户干 预建模的特征-Suitable for mass data of the modeling method. Based on the modeling method, eventually generate a strictly geometrical, topological relations of each layer interface
- 估计一个点云数据的表面法线,表面法线是几何体表面的重要属性。-A point estimate the surface normal, surface normal geometrical surface cloud data is an important attribute volume.
- Geometrical objects(models) are rendered by projecting them on the image(screen) plane Projecting on a plane means moving all points of a model 3D space into 2D . Different ways of projecting may be used, by adopting corresponding rules -Geomet