- This source make CView window under CView using CWnd control. You need Visual C++ 7.1 to read this source project. I create this project on Visual Studio .NET 2003.
sample demo
- This source make CView window under CView using CWnd control. You need Visual C++ 7.1 to read this source project. I create this project on Visual Studio
- [程序语言] IE3, IE4, IE5, NS3, NS4+ [功能描述] 生成和解决迷宫问题的Java小程序,可以在支持java的浏览器中运行。迷宫以三维形式显示在窗口中。 你可以按下相应的按钮,“New”生成一个新的迷宫,“Solve”按钮用于显示求解一个迷宫问题的路径,“Clear”按钮清除解决迷宫问题的路径。 一旦生成迷宫后,你也可以自己用手工来求解它的路径,你可以使用四个箭头键来画出其路径。 对于每个迷宫问题
- 这是一个简单的3D实时动画,具体就是一个小球在跳,遇到窗口的两边就会弹回来-This is a simple real-time 3D animation, specifically in a jump ball, encountered on both sides of the window will shells back
- 利用Solidworks APIVisual Basic 与 开发的自动获取Solidworks绘图窗口中选择实体的外轮廓的model-use Solidworks APIVisual Basic and development of the automatic acquisition So lidworks drawing window select entities outside the contours of the model
- 利用Solidworks APIVisual Basic 与 开发的自动获取Solidworks绘图窗口中装配件中各零部件的隶属关系-use Solidworks APIVisual Basic and development of the automatic acquisition So lidworks drawing window assembly in various parts of the affiliation
- 利用Solidworks APIVisual Basic 与 开发的自动更改Solidworks绘图窗口中当前激活的零部件的名称-use Solidworks APIVisual Basic and development of the automatic change So lidworks Mapping the current window activated parts of the name
- 创建了一个简单的Win32 Dirctx9窗口,没有做任何事情,是Directx9一般程序的框架-create a simple Win32 Dirctx9 window and has not done anything, Directx9 general procedure is the framework
- 本程序实现了基于ObjectARX2004的任意复杂窗口裁剪技术 -the program based on ObjectARX 2004 arbitrary complex window cutting technology
- 多窗口多模式(角度)演示3d动画,c实现-multi-modal window (perspective) demonstration 3d animation, c achieve
- 一个vtk基于mfc对话框的小程序。生成的模型匀速转动一周后,弹出窗口自动关闭-It is a simple program based on MFC dialog using VTK .It creats a model in a poped window.The window will automatedly closed after the model rotating for a whole round.
- 2D, 3D图像的自由view,按button2d, 3d view窗自由增加。-2D, 3D images of the Liberal view, by button2d, 3d view window more freedom.
- 本节中,利用前几节的基础,反转显存,将后续显存上的图片反转到主显存上,并显示在屏幕上,并将建立的directx对象在窗口销毁后删除-this section, the use of the former sections of the foundation reverse memory, will follow-up on the memory-pictures to the main memory, and display on the screen, and will establish t
Lesson44 用c++绘制的一个圆柱
- 用c++绘制的一个圆柱,可以在窗口中旋转和运动,也可以设置颜色和光照。-Using c++ drawing of a cylinder that can rotate and movement in the window, you can set the color and light.
- osg的MFC多文档界面程序,双窗口显示,包括主视角和俯视角,OSG s MFC Multiple Document Interface program, double-window display, including perspective and overlooking the main angle
- 一个用MFC框架写的关于osg的例子,提供了MFC与osg窗口结合的方法。-A written about using MFC framework osg example, MFC provides a method of combining the window with osg.
- osg的MFC多文档界面程序,双窗口显示,包括主视角和俯视角-OSG s MFC Multiple Document Interface program, double-window display, including perspective and overlooking the main angle
- D3D实现的海水的逼真绘制和显示,界面简单,实时显示帧速,绘制效果逼真,可全屏或窗口显示。很容易加入其他特效。-D3D water to achieve the realistic rendering and display, the interface is simple, real-time display帧速, realistic rendering effects can be displayed full screen or window. Very easy to add other
- Bezier曲线,包括2D和3D曲线,作为计算机图形学中曲线曲面编程方面的编程学习.-Bezier Curves. These are two programs that use Bezier curves. Bezier curves are simply lines, with one or more control points that "attract" the line toward it. One is a Bezier curve in 2D, the other is a
- D3D实现的草丛的逼真绘制和显示,界面简单,实时显示帧速,绘制效果逼真,可全屏或窗口显示。-D3D achieve realistic rendering of the bushes and showed that the interface is simple, real-time display帧速, realistic rendering effects can be displayed full screen or window.