- VC++编写的图形绘制软件 能绘制直线,方形,圆角方形,折线,椭圆,圆,圆弧,样条曲线,文本等 并能选中图形,支持鼠标捕捉,实时调整图形属性等 还能保存绘制结果并关联文件扩展名.-VC prepared by the graphics rendering software can draw straight lines, square, square corner, dogleg, ellipse, circle, arc, spline curves, such as text a
- This program is a simple example of a custom data import utility for ENVI and is meant to be a learning tool for users developing their own custom IDL extensions. For demonstration purposes, this program merely provides ingest of ENVI Standard format
- This program is a simple example of a custom data import utility for ENVI and is meant to be a learning tool for users developing their own custom IDL extensions. For demonstration purposes, this program merely provides ingest of ENVI Standard format
- This program is a simple example of a custom data import utility for ENVI and is meant to be a learning tool for users developing their own custom IDL extensions. For demonstration purposes, this program merely provides ingest of ENVI Standard format
- 用JAVA编写的绘图程序,使用JAVA 2D API JDK版本 1.4.x 功能简介: 支持存储,格式为XML,并支持颜色信息的存取,有导出为图片功能 支持多个组件选择:CTRL选择(或取消)和拉框选择或是复合选择(或取消) 支持多个组件拖动:选择多个组件可以同时拖动 支持全选功能和复制功能和删除功能,并提供快捷方式 单个组件支持右键菜单,其中包括设置组件名称功能 在担任dramflow.xml中设置相关属性 连线规则: 直线的