- Routine marburg: To estimate the AR parameters by Burg algorithm. Input Parameters: n : Number of data samples ip : Order of autoregressive process x : Array of complex data samples x(0) through x(n-1) Output Parameters: ep : Real
- 一个用MFC写的滤波器源代码,代码结构非常精巧,可以参考 功能:1 固定带通滤波 2 可变带通滤波 3 噪声删除 4 输入输出误差计算 实现比较简单,由于使用了Microsoft Foundation classes,代码流程很简单,但是实现的功能比较充分 Filter.h:头文件,定义了CFilterApp 类 Filter.cpp:利用MFC的函数实现了CFilterApp Filter.rc:资源文件,包括对话框和图标的说明-use a
- 某一直升机齿轮箱上的早期损伤的特征是,在伴随振动信号上产生一个可变周期的非平稳扰动信号。要求按此特征构造一组有物理意义的数据仿真早期故障信号,应用小波变换技术分析故障的特征和发生时刻。-a helicopter gearbox early on the characteristics of the injury, In addition to the vibration signal produced a variable cycle perturbation of non-stationary
- 用振幅为0.8的方波进行傅立叶分析,并用分析得到的系数求解当K取不同值时的合成信号- F = FOURIER(f) is the Fourier transform of the sym scalar f with default independent variable x. The default return is a function of w. This example is useful for the persons who learn sth about signal pr
- 基于小波分解的变尺度多分辨率纹理分割Variable scale based on wavelet multi-resolution texture segmentation-Variable scale based on wavelet multi-resolution texture segmentation
- VC++自适应数字滤波器实验程序的源代码,可生成固定带通滤波器曲线图、可变带通滤波器曲线图、噪声删除、输入输出误差,可设置最低频率和最高频率,Y轴缩放等参数。 -VC++ adaptive digital filter test program' s source code, can generate a fixed band-pass filter curve, curve of the variable band-pass filter, noise removed, the inpu
- Segmentation is therefore a very important task in medical imaging. However, manual segmentation is not only a tedious and time consuming process, it is also inaccurate. Segmentation by experts is variable up to 20 [WDZ+95]. It is therefore de
- 移动窗口二维相关光谱方法matlab的实现,完全是自己参照公式编的哦。。移动窗口二维相关光谱是一种新的二维相关分析方法,它将移动窗口的概念和二维相关分析方法有效地结合在了一起,利用移动窗口将庞大的光谱数据按矩阵分割成若干个便于操作的子矩阵,用二维相关光谱分别处理,将得到的结果综合分析,用以光谱变量和扰动变量为坐标的等高图表现出来,从中可以非常直观地观察出光谱强度在扰动变量方向上的变化,进而找出引起光谱强度突变的特征扰动点。-Moving window two-dimensional correl