- 如何使用VTK在一个窗口中显示引入3D窗口部件的一个锥体,把鼠标放置于窗口中,可以使用一些交互操作,例如,I键使窗口部件消失,F键使锥体放大,再点R使锥体恢复原来大小-how to use a window in the introduction of 3D display window components of a cone, put the mouse placed on the window, can use some interoperability, for example, I m
- MilkShape 3D Help中文翻译版,相信对使用MilkShape 3D的人会有很大帮助!!!,MilkShape 3D Help Chinese translation version, I believe that people who use MilkShape 3D will be of great help! ! !
- 在 A r c G I S V B A下, 通过 A D O与数据库的连接, 可以很好地利用其中数据进行直接分析, 不必再将需分析数据转换成 G I S所需的格式-GIS and meteorological data fusion example database
- 多尺度特性是指地图比例尺决定着地图显示内容的详略.基于R-tree的数据访问方法与多尺度性和成批性不相适应,存在“同级要素弱簇聚”和“I/O粒度偏小”两大问题- The access method based on R-tree is not adaptive to the multiscale and batch feature. It has two problems: (1) the data records of features of the same level are not cl