- 自己做的GIS3维模型设计,喜欢搞3D的朋友可以好好参考下了-do for myself GIS3 dimensional model design, the likes of 3D can make reference to a friend under the
- 这是一个自己做的ARCGIS ENGINE 下做的添加数据文件的对话框。-This is a done under the ARCGIS ENGINE do add data files dialog box.
- 本程序实现了在Csharp下的基于AO的二次开发,实现了基本的地图浏览操作功能。-the program in Csharp-based AO under the second development, the realization of the basic map browsing feature.
- 包裹类里面包含了所有SuperMap Objects接口的定义,在Visual C++中使用SuperMap Objects开发时,不再需要使用繁琐的方法加载控件,也不再需要从*.tlb中导入对象,只需要把相应控件的.cpp和.h文件复制到工程目录下,并加入到工程中就可以使用控件了。方便Visual C++开发人员使用SuperMap开发平台。-parcels category which contains all SuperMap Interface Objects, in the defin
- 广东省的gis切图。 很困难才下到,正版的很贵,先用这个吧-Guangdong gis Chetumal. Only under very difficult to genuine expensive, it first used the
- 功能强大的社会资源管理资源系统 1. 本系统采用MapX 5.0来开发,因此首先要安装Mapx 5.0 2. 本系统后台数据库采用SQL Server2000,在使用之前,才要附加本系统目录下的njgfql_Data.MDF文件,默认的数据库连接用户名为sa,密码为空; 3. 附加数据库请参考相关书籍 4. 本系统由于是和其他MIS系统,所以用户在测试的时候,需要在数据库中首先输入测试数据。 5. 本系统数据库表格非常多,大部分是没用用到,读者可以参考书中代码,来学习对应的数
- arcengine 程序,很简单,大家下了看看效果吧!-arcengine procedure is very simple, we look at the effect of the under!
- Open 3D GIS Project - Version 0.1 (09/17/2005) 1. SUMMARY The Open 3D GIS is a Open Source project (released under GNU GPL) with the main goal to make a simple way to display 3D objects from a Geodatabase on the Web. visit:
- .net+ao实现多边形对象的插值运算,输入两个时刻的多边形可以得到中间任意时刻的多边形状态,请在Arcmap下使用- net ao realization polygon object calculus of interpolation, inputs for two times the polygons to be allowed to obtain the free time polygon condition, please uses under Arcmap
- 这是我在mapinfo下就修文县做的一个消防系统,包含有源表,适合mapinfo工作人员。-MapInfo under the revised County do a fire safety systems, including active table, MapInfo suitable staff.
- ESRI公司下Arc/info 的mo+vb下开发GIS系统的鹰眼和放大窗口的功能实现-under ESRI Arc / info mo vb the GIS system developed under the eagle eyes and enlarge the window The Function
- VB下开发MO的教程,初学者很适用,版权归原作者所有-VB MO developed under the guidance is applicable beginners, all the property of authorship
- 讲述了软件测试度量技术与代码静态检测技术,讲授了当前条件下可以利用的工具(logiscope与pc-lint)来帮助完成一系列的测试工作的原理,并带有应用实例.-on the software testing measurement and static code detection technology, taught under the current conditions can be used as a tool (logiscope with pc - lint) to help co
- supermapobject基本功能开发代码,在supermapobject2000下开发-supermapobject basic functions of the development code, under development in supermapobject2000
- mapinfo的tab和mif的转换,不使用mapx等控件。利用ogr库函数。在DOS下运行-MapInfo tab and mif conversion, the non-use of such controls mapx. Ogr use of the function. Running under DOS
- vc下良好的空间距离计算程序,对大家很有价值-vc under good distance from the space program, very valuable to all
calculate mean value os a rasterlayer under a poly
- calculate mean value os a rasterlayer under a polygon layer
- CAVOR (Creating A Vison Of Reality) is an engine/collection of components for building apps that combine geospatial or graphic data with a database of attributes (properties). Examples include GIS, CAD, CASE, etc. It is free software released u
- 在VS 2005下用AE开发的GIS应用程序,实现了GIS软件的显示漫游等,基本功能,计算坡度、坡向,裁剪,栅格计算,SQL查询,空间关系查询,专题图制作等功能。-Under the VS 2005 with the development of GIS applications AE realized GIS software shows roaming, basic functions, calculate slope, aspect, cropping, grid computing, S
- hadoop是众所周知的云计算平台,hadoopGIS是基于hadoop进行云GIS试验的成果,实现在云环境下的数据存储、读取等功能-hadoop is well known cloud computing platform, hadoopGIS for cloud hadoop GIS based on test results, achieved under the cloud of data storage, reading and other functions