- vc编写的程序实现了在画布上任意画出各种形状的图形。-vc programs written anywhere on the canvas to achieve a variety of shapes to draw graphics.
- 通过单击颜色板上任意一点获取被点击处颜色的REG值。-Get the RGB value of the click point after clicked anywhere on the color board.
- 可以在任意地方截取任意大小的图形 方便 小巧-Can be intercepted anywhere convenience of a small graphic of any size
- 获取屏幕上任意位置处的rgb值,不局限于窗口,可以将鼠标放到任意位置,均能获得该鼠标处的rgb值-Get the screen at any position rgb value, not limited to the window, you can hover your mouse anywhere, can get the rgb values mouse Department
- 本程序是基于VC6.0的图像增强算法,程序支持读入显示各种类型的彩色、灰度图像,可随时显示任意位置像素点的颜色信息。图像增强处理是基于8位图像的直方图均衡化处理,程序中增添了直方图显示对话框,并可查询任意灰阶的像素点数目。-This program is an image enhancement algorithm based on VC6.0, the program displays various types of support read into the color, grayscal
- 本程序是基于VC6.0的图像滤波代码,程序可支持读入和显示所有的BMP图像,并可显示任意位置像素点的颜色信息。图像滤波处理是对8位的BMP图像执行的,采用改进的中值滤波算法。程序中还附有椒盐噪声的添加功能,可通过对话框选择添加任何密度的椒盐噪声,操作方便。-This procedure is based on the image filtering code in VC6.0, the program can support read and display all the BMP images
- 求解圆形packing问题里面的初始格局:要确定初始格局,也就是要把所有的圆饼随机的放在圆盘内,也就是圆饼的圆心坐标要随机的出现,可以用一个0到1的随机数乘圆饼的半径再乘一个判断随机数的数作为圆饼的x或者y的坐标,这样就保证了圆饼的圆心有可能出现在圆盘内的任何位置-Solving the problem inside the initial circle packing structure: To determine the initial structure, that is, to put
- 载入图像后,鼠标点击该图像任意位置,可以显示此位置像素的rgb空间各通道像素值和hsv色彩空间各通道像素值-After the image is loaded, it can display all channel values in RGB color space and hsv color space of the pixel anywhere on the image by mouse click.
- 这个截图程序是截图的一个示例程序,通过修改参数可以截取电脑屏幕任意位置,VC++ 6.0测试过了,给初学者提供一个很好的例子-This program is an example screenshot screenshot of the program, by modifying the parameters can intercept computer screen anywhere, VC++ 6.0 tested, to provide a good example for beginne
- 简单的实现对字符串中任意位置至任意位置进行截取-Simple implementation of a string anywhere in any position to the interception
- 可视MRI数据实验。此matlab程序用于:1. 观察二维MRI图片序列数据;2. 观察脑MRI3D和2D任意位置图片;3. 观察脑MRI顶视图片边界轮廓。-MRI data visualization experiment. Matlab program for this: 1 observation of a two-dimensional MRI image sequence data 2 to examine the brain MRI3D anywhere and 2D image