- 如果您想要一種簡單的方法來寫的文字你想選擇的任意位置在屏幕上的任何顏色你想使用任何電腦內置的字體,那麼就下載本教程吧。位圖字體的是二維可擴展字體,不能旋轉。他們總是正面的。-If you want an easy way to write the language you want to select anywhere on the screen of any color you want to use any computer built-in fonts, then you download
- 可以显示任意位置立方体在光源下的投射阴影。a/s/d/o/p/m/n分别可以控制立方体前后左右移动及旋转-Cube can be displayed anywhere in the light under the shadow of the projection. a/s/d/o/p/m/n-cube can be controlled separately before and after the movement and rotation around