- 算法实现题1-2 平面几何问题 .问题描述: 试用C++ 的类来定义表示简单平面几何对象的抽象数据类型Geometry 。 (1) 用浮点数定义2 个几何量m1 和m2;m2 的缺省值为0.0。 (2) 实现2 个构造函数:允许用1 个参数或2 个参数声明几何对象。用1 个参数r 声明 的几何对象为半径为r 的圆;用2 个参数r1 和r2 声明的几何对象为r1′r2 的矩形。所声明 的几何对象的中心在原点。 (3) 定义计算几何对象的面积,周长和对角
- 在Visual C++中应用GUI函数库实现画一个对角线的功能-In the application of Visual C++ GUI library to achieve the functions of drawing a diagonal
- Diagonal interpolation
- 图像镜像算法,包括垂直镜像,水平镜像,对角镜像。-Image image algorithms, including the vertical mirror, horizontal mirror, diagonal mirror.
- 基于matlab的帧内预测代码,包括水平预测,垂直预测,对角预测和DC预测-intra prediction based on matlab, including horizonal, vertical, diagonal, and DC prediction
- 8\24bit另存为,部分另存为,画十字架和红色对角线,直方图等程序-8 \ 24bit saved as a part of the Save As, painted cross and red diagonal line, histogram program
- 文件中包含各种图像处理源代码,包括二值化处理的源代码,对图像进行直方图均衡处理的源代码,对图像进行中值滤波处理(图像复原)的源代码,对图像进行均值滤波处理(图像复原)的源代码对图像进行对角镜像处理(几何变换)的源代码,对图像进行离散余弦变换处理(图像变换)的源代码,对图像进行傅立叶变换处理(图像变换)的源代码,对图像进行高斯模糊处理(图像复原)的源代码,在图像中加入随机噪声的源代码,对图像进行水平镜像处理(几何变换)的源代码,利用LoG边缘算子法对图像进行边缘提取的源代码,利用Prewitte边
- 图像的扫描显示; 图像的滑动显示; 渐进显示;马赛克显示;垂直对接;压缩反转;中心闭幕;中心放大;交叉竖条;水平拉幕;随机拉丝;对角闭幕;垂直百叶;水平拉入 -Image scanning images slide show progressive display mosaics vertical docking compressed inverted center closed magnify the center cross bars horizontal pu
- 利用改进的Sobel算子检测图像边缘,从水平、垂直、左右对角线的方向计算Sobel梯度,并且加入拐角的梯度值。-The improved Sobel edge detection operator, horizontal, vertical, left and right diagonal direction Sobel gradient calculation, and adding the value of the gradient of the corner.
- matlab 对图像进行小波分解 该函数输入任意一幅灰度图,输出为分解后的低通图像和水平、垂直、斜向三个方向高频分量-matlab image wavelet decomposition of the function to enter any piece of gray, the output is low-pass image and level decomposed, vertical and diagonal high-frequency components in three dire
- matlab 对图像进行小波重建 本函数输入为图像经小波分解后处理过的一个低通分量和相应的三个方向(水平、垂直、斜向)的高频分量,输出重建图像-matlab image wavelet reconstruction of the function of the input image after wavelet decomposition treated by a low-pass component and a corresponding three directions (horizonta
- 图像小波分解,把图像分为低频和上下、左右、对角线方向经常用于图像压缩。-Wavelet decomposition, the image is divided into low and down, left and right, diagonal direction often used for image compression.
- Corner is important feature points in the image corners with processing information, the amount of data is relatively small, but the large amount of information. Corner has not clearly defined, research and analysis of diagonal point algorithm and co
- Use the Dwt2 function the cut the four detail coefficients approximate detail coefficients ,clear the horizontal detail coefficients, clear the vertical detail coefficients, clear the diagonal detail coefficients Than Use the Idwt2 the combine this
- 对图像进行沃尔什变换处理(图像变换)的源代码,编译后的可执行文件须带参数运行-The image diagonal mirror processing (geometric transformation) of the source code, the compiled executable file must bring operating parameters
- Roberts 边缘检测算子是根据任意一对互相垂直方向上的差分可用来计算梯度的原理, 采用对角线方向相邻像素之差-Roberts edge detector is based on the difference any pair of mutually perpendicular directions can be used to calculate the gradient of principle, the use of adjacent pixels diagonal direction
- 实现二维图像的旋转并使用4点平均插值,输出的图像矩阵具有相同的大小,行列均为原图像的对角线长度-Rotate 2-dimensional images using 4-means interpolation. The output image matrices have the same size, whose row and column both have the length of the diagonal of the original image.
- 利用单层二维小波函数对图像进行分解,得到图像的水平细节系数、垂直细节系数和对角细节系数-The use of single-dimensional wavelet decomposition of the image function to obtain the level of detail coefficients of the image, vertical and diagonal detail coefficients detail coefficients
- 通过maketform和cp2form指令将倾斜图形通过放射变换和投影变换纠正过来-By maketform and cp2tform instructions diagonal pattern by affine transformation and projection transformation corrected
- 本代码主要实现了对二维图像进行小波变换,包括水平、垂直、以及对角小波系数的显示,以及排序,取对数并显示出来。-This code mainly realize the wavelet transform two-dimensional image, including horizontal, vertical and diagonal wavelet coefficients display, and sorting, logarithmic and displayed.