- 这是关于数字图象处理方面比较全的一个例子,大家有需要的可以直接copy其中的代码-This is on the digital image processing of a whole compared example, We need to be direct copy of the code
- 此程序对搞人脸识别的好很大帮助,不过功能不是很全,还请包含 -this procedure to better engage in face recognition very helpful, but not very functional whole, please also include
- 学生作业,用visualc++6.0编写,实现bmp图像的读取,处理,平移,转换,反色,域值分析等等功能比较全。-students work with visualc 6.0 achieve bmp image reading, processing, translation, conversion, Anti-color, Victoria value analysis, and so on the whole more functional.
- A face eye detection based on the whole image gray level. Except the adaboost, this is one of the best location algorithm.-eye detection based on the whole imag e gray level. Except the adaboost. this is one of the best location algorithm.
- 稀疏分解图像重建程序,把图像分解成多个小块图像,然后再各个子块重建后边缘处理后合并成整个图像。-sparse decomposition image reconstruction process, the image is divided into a number of small images, then each sub-block redevelopment edge after the merger into the whole image.
- 有关图像融合的一个比较全的代码集合,有gui界面,可选择不同的处理图像方法融合图像-the image of a more integrated whole code set, a gui interface choice of different methods of image processing Image Fusion
- zhou wang提出的结构相似性图像质量评价算法,是一种全参考的质量评价模式-zhou we analyze the dynamic process of the structural similarity of image quality evaluation algorithm, is a reference to the quality of the whole evaluation model
- 一套完整的图像处理与识别的源码(全中文注释) 这是我们内部开发与使用的一套图像处理代码,里面包括了大部分图像处理与识别处理的的函数:像模板变换,图像的平滑、锐化、边缘识别、图像中值滤波、图像模糊、图像逆滤波、图像模糊加噪、图像维纳滤波、线性变换、灰度拉伸、直方图均衡、图像腐蚀、图像膨胀、图像开运算、GIF确码编码、缩放、旋转、快速付立叶变换、离散余弦变换等等,等等,太多了。可以用于windows软件或嵌入式软件编程。内部用的,全中文注释,为了下载我才拿出来的。你们自己看着办吧。-a comp
- DCT水印1~~整个程序运行还行,共享给大家-jpeg of the Matlab Simulation, and the whole process has run OK, for everyone to share
- 数字水印在matlab下的仿真实现整个程序运行还行,共享给大家-jpeg of the Matlab Simulation, and the whole process has run OK, for everyone to share
- 数字水印在matlab下的DWT仿真实现整个程序运行还行,共享给大家-jpeg of the Matlab Simulation, and the whole process has run OK, for everyone to share
- 加arnold置乱的数字水印在matlab下的DFT仿真实现整个程序运行还行,共享给大家-jpeg of the Matlab Simulation, and the whole process has run OK, for everyone to share
- matlab制作的数字水印算法原程序,实现整个程序运行还行,共享给大家-jpeg of the Matlab Simulation, and the whole process has run OK, for everyone to share
- 实现计算机图形学中的光线跟踪算法,有整个demo系统,用户可以将函数Trace单独使用-of ray tracing algorithms, the demo system as a whole, will allow users to use a separate function Trace
- Opencv Haar training, the setting and parameter is configed. you can debug into the training process to get the whole flowchart of adaboost training.,Opencv Haar training, the setting and parameter is configed. you can debug into the training process
- 金字塔模板匹配,一个很有商业价值的软件【我背着导师上传给大家的,希望对整个中国的相关领域开发者有帮助】,Pyramid template matching, a great commercial value of software 【I tutor upload their backs to you, and I hope the related areas of China as a whole help developers】
- 白平衡函数,选定图片中白色区域对整幅图像做白平衡,内有测试程序。-A function for white banlance, select a white area from the picture and do white balance for the whole, attached by test program.
- 一种基于HOG-LBP特征的人脸检测方法,对于遮挡的人体非常有效。-By combining Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) and Local Binary Pattern (LBP) as the feature set, we pro- pose a novel human detection approach capable of handling partial occlusion. Two kinds of detectors
- LBP纹理特征提取算法。首先将检测窗口划分为16×16的小区域(cell),对于每个cell中的一个像素,将其环形邻域内的8个点(也可以是环形邻域多个点,如图 3‑ 4. 应用LBP算法的三个邻域示例所示)进行顺时针或逆时针的比较,如果中心像素值比该邻点大,则将邻点赋值为1,否则赋值为0,这样每个点都会获得一个8位二进制数(通常转换为十进制数)。然后计算每个cell的直方图,即每个数字(假定是十进制数)出现的频率(也就是一个关于每一个像素点是否比邻域内点大的一个二进制序列进行统计),然
- 该程序为VC2008编写,可将24为真彩色转换为1位黑白图,8位灰度图,8位彩色图,算法全部在程序中,没有使用动态链接库,一共花了三天才写完,供大家学习交流。-The program prepared for the VC2008 can be converted to 24 to true color a black and white map, 8-bit grayscale, 8-bit color image, the algorithm in the program whole, do