- This project aims to develop and share fast frequent subgraph mining and graph learning algorithms. Currently we release the frequent subgraph mining package FFSM and later we will include new functions for graph regression and classification package
- Abaqus2Matlab是提取有限元分析程序分析结果。这个工具箱旨在提供一个有限元分析和MATLAB之间的联系,这将使有限元分析用户在MATLAB有限元分析结果进行后处理。它可以用来从一个有限元分析检索结果分析,这可以很容易地从有限元分析转移到MATLAB进行进一步处理。-Abaqus2Matlab is a program for the extraction of ABAQUS analysis results to MATLAB. It is a toolbox which aims t
- LBP特征提取算法,可以用于检测与识别。算法主要目的是提高车牌识别中汉字识别准确率。-Code about LBP feature extraction can be used for detection and recognition. This algorithm aims to improve the accuracy of Chinese char recognition of EasyPR.