- C code for \"Computational Geometry in C (Second Edition)\": Code function Chapter pointer directory ----------------------------------------------------- Triangulate Chapter 1, Code 1.14 /tri Convex Hull(2D) Chapter 3, Code 3.8 /graham Convex Hull(
- 凸优化问题经常出现在许多不同的领域。全面介绍了主题,这本书展示了如何解决这些问题都可以高效率地详细数字。其重点是识别凸优化问题,然后找到解决他们最合适的技术。文本包含许多实例和作业练习,并会提出问题,如工程,计算机科学,数学,统计,金融,经济领域的学生,研究者和实践者。-Convex optimization problems arise frequently in many different fields. A comprehensive introduction to the subjec
- 3.Shape Descr iptors Centroids (Center of Mass) 3.2 Statistical moments: Useful for describing the shape of boundary segments (or other curves) Suitable for describing the shape of convex deficiencies The histogram of the function (segment
- 提出了一种基于整体(凹凸)特性的脱机大写体英文字母识别方法。首先计算字母图像的赋值背景,再从中提取凹凸特性,然后根据凹凸特性构建分类表进行分类识别。-This paper presents an off-line capitalization method based on the whole (concavity) feature. First, calculate the background of the letter image, and then extract the convex