- 《机器学习》课上的作业,PCA和LDA降维,尽管网上很多,但很少注释,另外细节上也没注意。这里有很详细的注释。另外还附上一个Naive贝叶斯分类器,大家可以作比较。附带的图像包是OLR人脸。ReducedDim为想要提取的特征数,不是百分比!," Machine learning" classes on the homework, PCA and LDA dimensionality reduction, even though a lot of online, but f
- 强化学习的原代码还可以的 -The original source of reinforcement learning reinforcement learning can also be in the original code
- 几篇优秀的人工智能自学习策略的论文,挺不错的。研究人工智能的可以看看。-Several excellent self-learning artificial intelligence strategy papers, very good. Research in artificial intelligence can look at.
- 强化学习算法的MATLAB仿真实例,希望能够对大家有帮助.-Q-learning algorithm of MATLAB simulation examples,wish it can help you.
- 贝叶斯(Bayesion)机器学习相互信息。用于求取熵、联合熵等。改进后可用于随机反演-Bayesian (Bayesion) machine learning of mutual information. Used to obtain entropy, joint entropy and so on. Improved can be used for stochastic inversion
- 基本遗传算法的C语言源程序。(遗传算法的应用范围极其广泛,它可应用于函数优化、组合优化、生产调度问题、自动控制、机器人学、图像处理、人工生命、遗传编程以及机器学习等领域。)-Basic genetic algorithm C language source code. (Genetic algorithm extremely broad range of applications, it can be applied to function optimization, combinatorial
- 《神经网络与深度学习》讲义-邱锡鹏 一个人在不接触对方的情况下,通过一种特殊的方式,和对方进行 一系列的问答。如果在相当长时间内,他无法根据这些问题判断对方是 人还是计算机,那么就可以认为这个计算机是智能的。(Lectures on neural networks and deep learning - Qiu Xipeng A person who has no contact with each other has a series of questions and answers wi
- 机器学习资料,可用于机器学习入门,大神讲解(Machine learning data, can be used for machine learning portal, great God explained)
- 适用于深度学习初学者,通过此文件可以对深度学习有一个大概的了解(For deep learning beginners, this document can have a general understanding of the depth of learning.)
- 这本书的主题——深度学习是通向人工智能的途径之一。具体来说,它 是机器学习的一种,一种能够使计算机系统从经验和数据中得到提高的技术。我们 坚信机器学习可以构建出在复杂实际环境下运行的AI 系统,并且是唯一切实可行的 方法。深度学习是一种特定类型的机器学习,具有强大的能力和灵活性,它将大千 世界表示为嵌套的层次概念体系(由较简单概念间的联系定义复杂概念、从一般抽 象概括到高级抽象表示)(The subject of this book, deep learning, is one of
- 斯坦福大学的深度学习,基础教程。ps:要求先学完吴恩达的机器学习基础再来看,不然看不懂(Depth study of Stanford University, basic course. Ps: needs to learn the basis of Wu Enda's machine learning first, or you can't understand it.)
深度学习 21天实战Caffe 547458
- 深度学习资料,深度学习实战21天的PDF版本(Some datasheet about the deep learning and this can be very efficient.)
- 入门级别的机器,内容较多,篇幅较长,请耐心学习,高清的可以自kindle中看(The introduction level machine, the content is more, the length is longer, please be patient to study, the high definition can see from the Kindle.)
- 神经网络机器学习书籍,可以很好的掌握各种神经网络算法(Neural network machine learning books.Can well master various neural network algorithms.)
- 配合matlab智能算法书籍使用,基本例程(can be used with the book named matlab)
- 该方法随机给定神经元权值中的输入权值和阈值,然后通过正则化原则计算输出权值,神经网络依然能逼近任意连续系统。(The method gives the input weights and thresholds of neuron weights randomly, and then calculates the output weights by regularization principle. The neural network can still approximate any cont
- 统计学习书籍和代码,非常非常好的资料,你可以下载的学习。(Machine learning actual supporting code, very very good information, you can download the learning.)
- 本书主要介绍深度学习的核心算法,以及在计算机视觉,语音识别、自然语言处理中的相关应用,适合深度学习从业人士或者相关研究生作为参考资料,也可以作为入门教程来大致了解深度学习的相关前沿技术(This book mainly introduces the core algorithms of deep learning, as well as relevant applications in computer vision, speech recognition and natural languag
- 机器学习横跨计算机科学、工程科学和统计学等多个学科,需要多学科的专业知识。在需要解释并操作数据的领域都或多或少可以运用到机器学习,通过这本书可以系统地学习基于python语言的机器学习的相关知识(Machine Learning in Action written by Peter Harringto. Machine learning covers many subjects, such as computer science, engineering science and statisti
- 用市面上的摄像头,可以实现实时人脸识别功能。(The algorithm model of facenet face recognition is obtained through deep learning, and the backbone network of feature extraction is concept-resnetv1, which is developed from concept network and RESNET, with more channels and n