- 排序是数据结构中的一项重要内容,该算法包括了直接插入冒泡选择排序算法的实现- The arrangement is in a construction of data important content, this algorithm has included the direct insertion bubbling choice sort algorithm realization
- 大约有10种排序方法,如堆排序、快速排序、归并排序、插入排序、外壳排序、选择排序、早泡排序、线性排序、地址选择排序和基排序。我自己提出了一种简化的快速排序。-about 10 species of sequencing methods, such as heap sort, quick sort, merge, in order to insert sequencing, shell sort, select, in order of ranking as foam, linear orderi
- 基于java实现的遗传算法 神经网络 实数编码 交叉 选择 变异-achieve genetic neural network algorithm is coded cross-choice variant
- 逐步回归算法,比起一般线性回归的速度要快。而且因子是逐步选择的。-stepwise regression algorithm, compared to the general linear regression faster pace. But factor is gradually choice.
- 文件压缩功能:压缩指定单个文件,或多个文件(zip格式);察看压缩文件内每个文件的大小,压缩比信息;解压缩指定文件(zip格式),允许选择压缩包内单个文件进行解压缩;察看整个压缩包的压缩比等信息。-compression function : Compression designated single document, or multiple documents (zip format); A look inside compressed files, each file size, com
- 给定n 个物品, 物品i重为wi 并且价值为 vi ,背包所能承载的最大容量为 W. 0-1 背包问题即是选择含有着最大总价值的物品的子集且它的容量 ≤W . 用动态规划实现-given n goods, items i weight of wi and value of vi, the backpack can carry a maximum capacity of W. 0-1 knapsack problem that is a choice with a maximum tot
- 本程序通过k均值算法对两类进行分类。通过任意选择初始点,由k均值很快找到两类的中心点-the procedure k means algorithm to classify two types. Through arbitrary choice initial point, k Mean quickly found two focal point
- 这个是大家非常熟悉的一个非常常用的算法,邮局选择问题,相信大家一定可以学到很多东西的-This is all very familiar with a very commonly used algorithm, the post office matter of choice, I am sure that you can learn a lot of things
- 常用的数据结构排序和查找算法:简单选择排序,冒泡排序,折半插入排序,快速排序,堆排序 顺序查找,折半查找.-commonly used data structures sorting and searching algorithms : simple choice, in order of Bubble Sort, half insertion sort, rapid sequencing, Heap Sort sequence search, binary search.
- 正在应用,结果还有待研究,老师留得作业,算法实现选择最优的来响应。-are applications, the results are still to be studied, the teachers stay operational, the algorithm to achieve the optimal choice to respond.
- 提供一个人工免疫算法源程序,其算法过程包括: 1.设置各参数 2.随机产生初始群体——pop=initpop(popsize,chromlength) 3.故障类型编码,每一行为一种!code(1,:),正常;code(2,:),50%;code(3,:),150%。实际故障测得数据编码,这里Unnoralcode,188% 4.开始迭代(M次): 1)计算目标函数值:欧氏距离[objvalue]=calobjvalue(pop,i) 2)计算群体中
- 在MATLAB中编写实现图像的不同级别小波分解算法;2选择合适的小波基;3对经典的几幅黑白和彩色图像进行DWT变换;4实现零树、基于塔式网格矢量量化、基于LBG算法、基于标量量化等小波变换编码;5得到分析比较结果。达到的目的:1综合训练学生编程的能力;2对高数、计算方法、程序设计、数据结构、算法、数字图像处理等课程的复习和运用;3可培养学生的算法设计和分析能力。-in MATLAB prepared to achieve different levels of image wavelet dec
- 为绘制分形混浊曲线、Julia集、和Mandelbrot集的程序源代码,程序运行后, 分别选择菜单“分形”下的子菜单“混沌曲线”、“Julia集”或者“Mandelbrot集”,将分别绘制这 几种分形图案。对于Mandelbrot集,可以用托动鼠标选择一矩形框,然后点击鼠标右键对所选择的区域 进行放大。-for mapping turbidity fractal curve, Julia sets, and the Mandelbrot set of program source c
- 解决时钟问题,acm竞赛题 A weird clock marked from 0 to 59 has only a minute hand. It won t move until a special coin is thrown into its box. There are different kinds of coins as your options. However once you make your choice, you cannot use any other kind.
- matlab的程序多种供您选择!希望大家能借鉴!对你会友帮助的。-Matlab procedures for a variety of your choice! Hope we can learn from! Friends of you will help.
- 1.1 背包问题 有一个徒步旅行者,已知他能承受的旅行背包的重量不超过a(kg)。设有n种物品可供他选择装入背包,这n种物品分别编号为1,2,…,n。其中第i种物品每件的重量为ai(kg),其使用价值(指一件第i种物品对旅行者来说所带来的好处的一种数量指标)为ci(i=1,2,…,n)。问这位旅行者应如何选择携带这n种物品的件数,使得总价值最大? -1.1 knapsack problem is a hikers. he is known to travel to withstand t
- 校园导游图,包括选择最短路径,选择不同景点,不同参观顺序。-campus tour map, including the choice of the shortest path, choose a different attractions, visited different order.
- C语言开发的微粒群优化算法源程序,程序用到了多个测试函数:包括Rosenbrock 函数等,操作时首先打开文件选择一个函数,然后点击计算就可以了。-C language development Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm source, a number of procedures used test functions : Functions include Rosenbrock, the first operation of a choice
- Multiple choice 1 ssd5
- 单项选择题标准化考试系统 (1) 用文件保存试题库。(每个试题包括题干、4个备选答案、标准答案) (2) 试题录入:可随时增加试题到试题库中 (3) 试题抽取:每次从试题库中可以随机抽出N道题(N由键盘输入) (4) 答题:用户可实现输入自己的答案 自动判卷:系统可根据用户答案与标准答案的对比实现判卷并给出成绩。 -Multiple-choice standardized test system (1) test database with the file. (Incl