- 排序是数据结构中的一项重要内容,该算法包括了直接插入冒泡选择排序算法的实现- The arrangement is in a construction of data important content, this algorithm has included the direct insertion bubbling choice sort algorithm realization
- 这个是大家非常熟悉的一个非常常用的算法,邮局选择问题,相信大家一定可以学到很多东西的-This is all very familiar with a very commonly used algorithm, the post office matter of choice, I am sure that you can learn a lot of things
- 常用的数据结构排序和查找算法:简单选择排序,冒泡排序,折半插入排序,快速排序,堆排序 顺序查找,折半查找.-commonly used data structures sorting and searching algorithms : simple choice, in order of Bubble Sort, half insertion sort, rapid sequencing, Heap Sort sequence search, binary search.
- 解决时钟问题,acm竞赛题 A weird clock marked from 0 to 59 has only a minute hand. It won t move until a special coin is thrown into its box. There are different kinds of coins as your options. However once you make your choice, you cannot use any other kind.
- Jones先生是一位模范丈夫,每个星期六的早晨他的太太都会给它一个购物清单,他只能购买清单上所列的物品并且必须全部买齐。最开始,Jones先生总是穿梭于商店的过道之间,对每样商品选择最便宜的价格购买,但是他逐渐地厌倦了这种方式,并开始了一种新的尝试——对于商店中的每条过道只走一遍,并严格按照清单上物品的顺序购物。现在你要写一个程序来帮助他购物。你所拥有的信息除了清单所列的物品之外,还包括在他选择的整条路线上依次出现的商品和它的价格,你的任务是计算他购齐所有货物的最小花费。-Mr. Jones i
- 这是实现树的选择方法,这里只有头文件。 如果需要具体源文件的话,请联系我。-This is the choice of trees, only here the first document. If the specific needs of the source document, then please contact me.
- 学习数据结构写的排序代码,有冒泡排序、直接插入、希尔排序、简单选择排序、快速排序、堆排序-study data structure was sort of code, Bubble Sort directly inserted, Hill, in order of simple choice, in order of Quick Sort, Heap Sort
- 有关文件操作以及字符串选择的代码,从文件中截取//和/* 和*/之间的代码。-the string and file manipulation choice of code from the paper interception / / and / * and * / between code.
- 利用哈希函数对学生姓名进行最优化查找 可选择从键盘输入和文件输入,需输入名字最大长度-hash function to the students find the most optimal choice from the keyboard input and the input document, name must be imported maximum length
- 选择问题,是算法设计与分析里的一题,是本人自己写的,绝对原创-choice, algorithm design and analysis of the one that, yes, I wrote it myself, absolutely original! !
- *一个简单的能够形象演示各种排序算法的applet小程序 *类似于Sun公司的示例程序,但比它复杂 *因为这个程序支持简单选择排序,冒泡排序,双向冒泡, *快速排序,希尔排序,堆排序,归并排序共七种排序算法 *每次80个整数随机生成,七种算法同时运行,之间的对比非常明显-* a simple image can be demonstrated by various sort algorithm small applet procedures similar to the
- 选择排序,冒泡排序,快速排序等几种排序的比较-choice, bubble sort, quick sort, etc. Some sort of
- 分别实现直接插入排序、冒泡排序、简单选择排序、希尔排序、快速排序、堆排序,并随机生成30个数,比较各算法的时、空性能和稳定性。-respectively direct insertion sort, bubble sort, simple choice, in order of ranking Hill, the quick sort, heap sort, and Random Number Generation 30, a comparison algorithm, the performa
- 本程序实现各种排序算法并分析与比较 直接插入排序, SHELL排序,冒泡排序,快速排序,简单选择排序,堆排序,归并排序-procedures for the realization of the algorithm and analysis more directly inserted, in order of ranking SHELL, Bubble Sort, rapid sequencing, simple choice, in order of ranking sculpture, m
- 本文介绍了数据结构中的选择排序,希尔排序等算法,采用全英文版,真实可靠-This paper introduces the data structure of choice, in order of ranking algorithms such as Hill, was used in English, true and reliable
- 各种内部排序法演示,程序对输入的无序序列分别用简单插入,折半插入,一趟快速排序,简单选择排序,堆排序等算法进行排序输出。-internal sequencing demonstrated that the procedures for the importation of disorderly sequences were inserted with a simple, half-inserted, the trip rapid sequencing, simple choice, in ord
- 这是一个简单易懂的crc计算方法,选择你要计算的文件,准确计算crc值。-This is a simple and easy to unicef.org calculation method to calculate your choice of paper, accurate calculation unicef.org value.
- 某企业将挑选一批新员工进行培训,遵循以下规则: 将所有员工排成1个圈,从12点位置开始编号为1,逆时钟方向编号到N,第N号员工在第1号的左手边 两位培训官开始选择员工,培训官甲从1号开始逆时钟方向数,数到第k号员工停下;培训官乙从N号开始顺时钟方向数,数到第m号员工停下 被选中的第k号和第m号员工不是同一人,两人同时送往制造培训 被选中的第k号和第m号员工是同一人,将一人送往检测培训 接着继续往下数,培训官甲同样数到k就停止,培训官乙同样数到m就停止,重复上述的选择 输入
- Multiple choice 1 ssd5
- 单项选择题标准化考试系统 (1) 用文件保存试题库。(每个试题包括题干、4个备选答案、标准答案) (2) 试题录入:可随时增加试题到试题库中 (3) 试题抽取:每次从试题库中可以随机抽出N道题(N由键盘输入) (4) 答题:用户可实现输入自己的答案 自动判卷:系统可根据用户答案与标准答案的对比实现判卷并给出成绩。 -Multiple-choice standardized test system (1) test database with the file. (Incl