- 逐步回归算法,比起一般线性回归的速度要快。而且因子是逐步选择的。-stepwise regression algorithm, compared to the general linear regression faster pace. But factor is gradually choice.
- 校园导游图,包括选择最短路径,选择不同景点,不同参观顺序。-campus tour map, including the choice of the shortest path, choose a different attractions, visited different order.
- Expert Choice represents a significant contribution to the decision making process 工t assists a decision maker in solving complex problems involving many criteria and several courses of action . An Expert Choice solution to a problem reflects the exp
- C-C方法及改进的C-C方法重构相空间的matlab程序 -------------------------------- 性能: 3000数据耗时3分钟 -------------------------------- 参考文献: 1、Nonlinear dynamics, delay times, and embedding windows.pdf 2、基于改进的C-C方法的相空间重构参数选择4.pdf -------------------
- 程序算任意点FFT和小波变换,以及可选择多种小波及小波变换后的单频带重够,另算信号的Lipschitz指数,高级数字信号处理!-counting procedures arbitrary point FFT and Wavelet Transform, and the choice of multiple wavelet and the wavelet transform of a single-band heavy enough, and another count signal Lipsch
- 解决背包的取舍问题,问选择多少个不超过背包的重量的物品.能使价值最大.-solve knapsack choice question about the choice of the number does not exceed the weight of the backpack items. Make the greatest value.
- 本程序是一个逐步回归分析的演示程序,通过对众多因子的逐步选择,最终选出影响最大的因子构成线性回归方程。-this procedure is a stepwise regression analysis of the demonstration program, many of the progressive choice factor, ultimately selected the greatest impact factor constitute linear regression equa
- some example which explain kalman clearly,if you know little about kalman,it will be good choice.
- 这是一个数字信号处理的函数库,包括FFT变换各种滤波算法如果你要编写数字信号处理相关的程序这是个不错的选择,This is a digital signal processing library, including all kinds of filtering algorithm FFT transform you to be prepared if the digital signal processing-related procedures This is a good choice
- 用高斯列主元消元法解下列线性方程组 高斯消元求解一些系数矩阵中含有极小数的情况下,会产生巨大的舍入误差,导致算法失效。一个简单而有效的改进方法是每次在进行将当前列中元素的消成0的运算时,选择当前列j对应的行(j to n)中绝对值较大的一个数作为主元行,这样,误差就会减小很多,PCA with out Gaussian elimination method solution of the following system of linear equations to solve a numbe
- This GUI can be used by entering nu at the MATLAB command prompt. The user can either select a function (f(x)) of their choice or a statistical distribution probability distribution function to plot over a user defined range. The function s integral
- 单纯形算法源程序,具有选择是求解目标值的最大还是最小问题,同时也具有可行性变量约束限制-Simplex algorithm source with the target choice is to solve the biggest problem is still the smallest, but also with the feasibility of variable binding constraints
- 常见算法设计的源代码。配合著名的那本“算法导论”。其中主要包括: 归并排序 活动选择问题 矩阵链乘问题 矩阵链乘问题的备忘录解法 逆序对问题 求和问题 装配线问题 最短路径Dijkstra算法和堆操作 -Common algorithm design of the source code. With the well-known that the " Introduction to Algorithms." Which mainly i
- 本实验要求编写课本上11.2.3节描述的傅立叶描绘方法。用实验09-02中的程序提取图12.18两幅图的边界,然后对每个边界选取256个描述点。选择的这256个点是在空间上尽可能均匀的点。获取每个图的傅立叶描绘子,确保每个图中的起始点是近似相同的点。分别用16,32,64和128个描绘系数逼近边界,并画出每一个结果。-Prepared at the request of the experimental section 11.2.3 textbook depicts Fourier method
- DCT A discrete cosine transform (DCT) expresses a sequence of finitely many data points in terms of a sum of cosine functions oscillating at different frequencies. DCTs are important to numerous applications in science and engineering, from lossy com
- 计算机安全学中椭圆曲线公钥系统的c源码 输入与输出: 请输入椭圆曲线方程y^2=x^3+cx+d(mod p)中c,d,p的值:8,10,23 椭圆曲线方程为y^2=x^3+8x+10(mod23) 请输入所取明文x的x1,x2:19,13 请输入选择的椭圆曲线上的点a0的x,y:7,8 请输入私钥a=17 选取t=3 加密的结果是(y0,y1,y2) = ((22,22),20,18) 实施解密: (c1,c2)=(18,12) x1=19
- 这是并行遗传算法的实现与“环”狭隘的拓扑结构。算法在进化提供了一个动态的遗传算子的选择。该库支持的26个遗传算子。这是跨平台的遗传算法用C+ +编写的。-This is implementation of parallel genetic algorithm with "ring" insular topology. Algorithm provides a dynamic choice of genetic operators in the evolution of. The library
- Toro的waf加hll求解器的一位非线性浅水程序-Program name: HW-WAFH File name: hw_wafh.f Purpose: To solve the time-dependent one dimensional non-linear shallow water equations by The Weighted Average Flux (WAF) Method using the HLL approximate Riemann solver,
- 这是Toro的rcm方法求解非线性浅水方程的精确解, 请结合他的两本书看-Program name: HW-RCM File name: hw_rcm.f Purpose: To solve the time-dependent non-linear one dimensional shallow water equations by the Random Choice Method (RCM) on a non-staggered grid, with van der Cor
- CTRW处理反常扩散问题,包括了跳跃距离函数选择和等待时间函数的选择。-CTRW deal with anomalous diffusion, including the jumping distance function selection and the choice of waiting time function