- 关于差分方程的一个程序,很简的二维椭圆方程,区域是1x1-differential equations on a procedure for the very simple two-dimensional elliptic equation, the region is 1x1
- 演示执行集合的并,交,差运算,是以有序链表表示集合.判定子集,求补运算也实现了.-demonstration and implementation of the pool, intersection, difference, computation, is set in an orderly Chain said. Convicted subset, seeking fill operation has been achieved.
- 差分法求解微分方程:古典显式法,收敛性最差;古典隐式法;Crank-Nicolson法,收敛性最好-difference method to solve the differential equation : Explicit classical method, the worst convergence; Classical implicit; Crank-Nicolson, the best convergence
- C++中定义变量的一个小程序,C++中变量声明与C中有一些区别,这个程序使用于从C转到C++上的学者-C variable definition of a small procedure, C and C variable declaration that there were some difference in the use of this procedure from C to C of scholars
- 求两个集合的对称差 ,用户给出输入 程序打印结果,是通过分别求并集,交集而得-for two pools symmetric difference, and give users the importation procedures Print results were seeking through and sets derived intersection
- ADT BinaryTree 的实现及验证程序采用的主要数据结构:二叉树、栈、队算法思想:1、 先序建树、输出树、后序遍历用递归方法。性能分析:O( n )2、 先序遍历、中序遍历:性能分析:O( n )(1) 若遇到新节点非空则先入栈,然后访问其左子树。(2) 若为空则将栈顶结点出栈,访问其右子树。(3) 循环1、2直到栈为空且无节点可入栈。先序与中序的区别是:先序在入栈时访问节点,中序在出栈时访问节点。3、 层遍历:性能分析:O( n )(1) 根节点入队(2) 节点出队并访问(3) 若节点
- 由于矩阵连乘不同结合方式的运算工作量很不一样. 工作量相差也非常大;所以要寻找一种最佳的结合方式, 然后再执行矩阵乘法运算-continually multiply matrices combining different ways of computing workload very different. The workload is also very big difference; So to find the best combination of a way, and then th
- 这是初学者的宝典,以以往的编程白例是不同的,有较大的区别,里面有100多个编程实例-This is a beginner's book for the past programming white cases are different, the difference is larger, there are more than 100 examples of programming
- 用单链表实现集合的交、并、差运算,提供共用户选择操作的交互界面,使用命令提示的方式提示用户输入集合1和集合2,然后让用户选择运算方式(交、并、差)等,-Achieved with a single set of cross-linked, and, poor operation, providing a total operation of the user interface options, the way using the command prompt prompts the user
- Gray码是一个长度为2n的序列。序列中无相同元素,每个元素都是长度为n位的串,相邻元素恰好只有1位不同。用分治策略设计并实现一个算法对任意的n构造响应的Gray码。-Gray code is a sequence of length 2n. No similar sequence elements, each element is n-bit string length, the adjacent element is only a difference exactly. With sub-r
- 集合运算器 数据结构问题 可实现叫、并、差集。判断元素、子集,输出补集-Data collection of computing structural problems can be called, and, difference sets. Determine the elements, a subset of the output set up
- 参加运动会的 个学校编号为 。比赛分成 个男子项目和 个女子项目,项目编号分别为 和 。由于各项目参加人数差别较大,有些项目取前五名,得分顺序为7,5,3,2,1;还有些项目只取前三名,得分顺序为5,3,2。写一个统计程序产生各种成绩单和得分报表。 2、要求产生各学校的成绩单,内容包括各校所取得的每项成绩的项目号、名次(成绩)、姓名和得分;产生团体总分报表,内容包括校号、男子团体总分、女子团体总分和团体总分。 3、测试数据:对于 , , ,编号为奇数的项目取前五名,编号为偶数的项目取前三
- 实现了集合的并,交,差,希望大家能偶有帮助,如果能够跟大家共享我感到非常的高兴-achive intersection,union,difference of set
- 虽然Free Pascal尽量设计得和Turbo Pascal接近,但是两者之间还是有一些区别的 资料就是介绍二者的区别-Although designed to be as much as possible Free Pascal and Turbo Pascal close, but between them there are some differences between the information is to introduce the distinction between
- Simulated Annealing (SA) is a smart (meta)-heuristic for Optimization. Given a cost function in a large search space, SA replaces the current solution by a random "nearby" solution. The nearby solution is chosen with a probability that depends on the
- 问题描述: 给定n个石子,其重量分别a1,a2,a3...an,要求将其划分成m份,每一份的划分费 义为这份石了中最大重量与最小重量的差的平方。总划分费用等丁m份划分费用之和。 编程任务 对于给定的n个石子,求一种划分方案,使得总划分费用最小。-Descr iption of the problem: Given n-stones, its weight, respectively a1, a2, a3 ... an, asked that it be divided into m
- 顺序表和单链表分别实现集合的并,交,差以及对称差运算-Order to achieve the table and set of single chain, respectively, intersection, difference and symmetric differential operators
- 算法实现图论中D算法,与以往代码不同之处是结果以图形的方式给出-Algorithm D algorithm in graph theory, the difference between the previous code is the way the results are given in graphical
- 稀疏矩阵的运算程序。该设计程序的功能是由键盘输入稀疏矩阵中非零值的行标,列标和元素值构成的三元组顺序表,这样就确定了整个矩阵,再使两个矩阵以三元组表形式求和、差、乘积并将运行的结果输出,本程序主要用到的知识是以顺序表形式存储稀疏矩阵,再用链表对其进行操作,来通过三元组判断位置、非零值运算实现稀疏矩阵的加、减、乘等运算。-Sparse matrix computation program. The design process is the function of keyboard input s
- 该文档详细说明了指针数组和数组指针的相关区别,详细的给粗学者一定的理论上的指导-The document details the pointer array and array pointer difference to coarse scholars some theoretical guidance