- 核聚类算法:聚类是将一组给定的未知类标号的样本分成内在的多个类别,使得同一类中 的样本具有较高的相似度,而不同类中的样本差别大。侧重于软聚类(模糊C-均值——FCM),但其描述手段同样适合于硬聚 类(HCM)等同类问题。-Clustering algorithm: cluster is a group of unknown samples given class label into internal multiple categories, so that the same class
- 对四层二维离散小波进行信息熵计算,通过对比低频子带信息熵的差值求解最佳分层数,希望对大家能有所帮助-For four-dimensional discrete wavelet information entropy calculated by comparing the difference between the low-frequency sub-band information entropy solving optimum number of layers, in the hope th
- 基于沪深300的期现套利,原理是基于期现基差-Based on the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 arbitrage, the principle is based on the difference between current group
- 聚类是将数据对象分组成多个簇(Cluster),同一个簇内 部的任意两个对象之间具有较高的 ),同一个簇内 部的任意两个对象之间具有较高的 相似度,而属于不同簇 的两个对象间具有较高的 ,而属于不同簇 的两个对象间具有较高的 相异度。相异度可以根据描述对 象的属性值计算,对象间的距离是最常采用的度量指标。-Clustering is a data object into a plurality of clusters (the Cluster), with a clu
- 最大差伸展算法的一些算法和相应的代码,对于想了解MVU算法的改进与应用,有重要作用-Biggest difference stretching algorithm of some algorithms and the corresponding code, to want to know the improvement and application of MVU algorithm play an important role
- 方差分析又称“变异数分析”,是R.A.Fisher发明的,用于两个及两个以上样本均数差别的显著性检验(ANOVA, also called variance analysis, was invented by R.A.Fisher, which was used to test the significance of the mean difference between two and more than two samples)