- 用C++实现的高斯混合模型的算法类,方差矩阵是对角矩阵-C + + Gaussian mixture model algorithm category, variance matrix is diagonal matrix
- 追赶法求解三对角矩阵是数值算法中重要的一种,这个利用了求借热传导方程-chased solve three-diagonal matrix numerical algorithm is an important, the use of the demand by heat conduction equation
- 【问题描述】已知线性方程组AX=B,求解该方程组。参考算法: 消去法:将列向量B加到矩阵A的最后一列,构成增广矩阵AB。对AB进行下列三种初等变换,使原矩阵A的部分的主对角线上的元素均为1,其余元素均为0,则原列向量B的部分即为X的值: 1. 将矩阵的一行乘以一个不为0的数 2. 将矩阵的一行加上另一行的倍数 3. 交换矩阵中两行的位置 - [ Question descr iption ] known system of linear equations AX=B, s
- 列句25宫的所有组合。 每行,每列,和对角线 数字和为25。-sentence of 25 out of all the combinations Palace. Each line, each and diagonal figures and 25.
- 平均因子分解法,适用于正定矩阵First, let s recall the definition of the Cholesky decomposition: Given a symmetric positive definite square matrix X, the Cholesky decomposition of X is the factorization X=U U, where U is the square root matrix of X, and satisfies:
- 以两点为对角线的矩形面积的计算,很实用-to 2:00 for the diagonal of the rectangular area, a very practical! !
- 本题采用的计算方法为:主要求解三对角阵方程组得解。采用的计算方法为“追赶法”。 算法思路为:求解方程Ly=d(追)——〉求解Ux=y(赶) -that the use of the method of calculating : three pairs for the main diagonal matrix equations in the solution. Using the method of calculating "catch up law." Algor
- C#编写的三次样条插值函数,TSS法求解对角矩阵方程函数,插值点函数值计算函数。-prepared by the cubic spline interpolation function, TSS method diagonal matrix equation function, interpolation function point value function.
- 2. Using Gaussian elimination method and Gaussian elimination method with row scaled method to solve the following tri-diagonal system for n=10 and 100
- 矩阵特征值与特征向量的计算约化对称矩阵为对称对角阵的豪斯荷尔镕变换法似对称三对角阵的全部特征值、特征向量的计算等-Matrix eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the calculation about symmetry symmetric matrix diagonal matrix ho Shihemi Rong transform it symmetric tridiagonal matrix eigenvalue all, the eigenvectors
- 皇后问题:在N*N的方格里放置皇后,要求不能放在同一行、同一列、同一对角线上。输入所有适合条件的情况。-Queen : N * N in the box, placed the empress, on the request can not be the same line, the same series on the same diagonal. The importation of all suitable conditions.
- 数值分析的C语言程序, 三对角线追赶法,Numerical Analysis of the C language program, the three diagonal to catch up with the Law
- //奇异值分解法求广义逆 //本函数返回值小于0表示在奇异值分解过程, //中迭代值超过了60次还未满足精度要求. //返回值大于0表示正常返回。 //a-长度为m*n的数组,返回时其对角线依次给出奇异值,其余元素为0 //m-矩阵的行数 //n-矩阵的列数 //aa-长度为n*m的数组,返回式存放A的广义逆 //eps-精度要求 //u-长度为m*m的数组,返回时存放奇异值分解的左奇异量U //v-长度为n*n的数组,返回时存放奇异值分解的左奇异量
- LU分解解3对角方程组 fortran子例程-LU decomposition of solutions of 3 pairs of diagonal equations fortran subroutine
- 分块五对角线性方程组的求解,比一般追赶法精度更高,并有参数可供调节。-Sub-diagonal block of five equations, than the average to catch up with higher accuracy, and have parameters available to adjust.
- Replace every element on the diagonal of an array with the sum of the elements on the current column OR row. Labview
- 给出变量的上下边界、初值和代价函数,能够搜索代价函数最小值时的变量取值。属于带约束的优化算法,可以用来求算非线性方程组。-STRSCNE is a Matlab code for constrained nonlinear systems of equations F(x)=0 l<=x<=u where F: R^n--> R^n, l and u a
- 一般性的奇异值分解算法,float浮点型。-SGGSVD computes the generalized singular value decomposition (GSVD) * of an M-by-N real matrix A and P-by-N real matrix B: * * U*A*Q = D1*( 0 R ), V*B*Q = D2*( 0 R ) * * where U, V and Q are orthogonal matric
- 功能:对矩阵A的左上角的m阶对角块作QR变换:先用Givens变换作QR分解A=QR, 再作相似变换A:=Q AQ=RQ. 输入: n阶HessenbergA,其中A(m+1,m)=0,m>2. 输出: 变换后的Hessenberg形矩阵A. 2 用基本QR算法求实方阵的全部特征值.-Function: the upper left corner of the matrix A, diagonal blocks of order m to QR transfor
- 计算逆矩阵,在矩阵后面夹带一个单位矩阵,然后把前面那一个矩阵处理成对角线单位矩阵,后面的那个矩阵就是逆矩阵。-Computing inverse matrix, a unit entrainment in the matrix behind the matrix, and then in front of it is processed into a matrix, diagonal matrix, the latter matrix that is the inverse matrix.