- 用于生成一个正态分布的伪随机数数值序列,其中包括C/I/R-4/8等多种算法的实现
- 采用NLJ随机搜索的方法辨识一个以状态方法表示的非线性系统。选其初值 a1(0) =50 , a2(0) =100 , a3(0) =100 , a4(0) =50 , a5(0) =10 , 选范围为 r(1)(i)=0.5 a(0)(i) , 取数据长度 L =40, t =0.005 , 性能指标 J= 。迭代计算结果得 a 的估计值 1=17.6043243, 1=17.5977, 2=72.9573, 3=51.3014, 4=22.9889, 5=5.99965, J = 0.000
- #//u(i,j) x方向的速度u;或者θ方向速度uθ #//u(i,j) y方向的速度v;或者径向速度ur'h\K #//pc(i,j) 压力修正 p'[OS #//p(i,j) 压力p-=5-+ #//p(i,j)
- ************************************************************************ * * * * * THIS IS THE H Y P L A S 2.0 README FILE * * ----------------- * * * * HYPLAS is a finite element program for implicit small and large * * strain analisys of hyperelast
- 给出变量的上下边界、初值和代价函数,能够搜索代价函数最小值时的变量取值。属于带约束的优化算法,可以用来求算非线性方程组。-STRSCNE is a Matlab code for constrained nonlinear systems of equations F(x)=0 l<=x<=u where F: R^n--> R^n, l and u a
- 这是我今天刚做的高数常用的两个算法:一是用Newton迭代法求根号值 二是用4级-4阶的R-K法解此方程y/=-y ,初值y(0)=1. 同时有些常见的编程技巧. -This is what I did today, just a high number of commonly used two algorithms: One is Roots with Newton iteration number value another one is 4-4 bands RK Solving t
- r软件中的一个程序包,相信对大家非常有用 里面内容可自己设置-r software in a package, I believe we can be very useful content inside its own set
- 快速卡尔曼算法是递推最小二乘算法中的一种, 它的收敛速度比梯度算法快得多, 其计算量又比常规卡尔曼算法少得多, 特别适合于跟踪像电离层这样的快变化时变信道。 本文对 用于自适应均衡的快速卡尔曼算法进行了详细研究。-Fast Kalman algo r ithm is one of recursive least squares algo r ithm s . It has much faster equalizer convergence than the gradient algo
- (1)已知甲数的35 是36,甲数是( )。已知乙数的47 是12,乙数是( )。 (2)40分钟是1小时的( ),1小时的35 是( )分钟。 (3)铅笔的单价是钢笔的920 ,把( )看作单位“1”。 二、根据算式补充条件 (1)停车场有24辆大汽车,( ),有多少辆小汽车? 24÷23 (2)停车场有24辆大汽车,( ),有多少辆小汽车? 24×23 (3)停车场有24辆小汽车,( ),有多少辆大汽车? 24×
- 实现带()的字符串串四则运算 如(a+b*c-f/g)-(i+r+l)*m-n+x-Achieved with () string string arithmetic If (a+ b* c-f/g)- (i+ r+ l)* m-n+ x
- Correlations between two anomaly series of 12 calendar months, 4 seasons (DJF, MAM, JJA and SON), monthly, seasonal and annual data from monthly anomaly series x(i,12) and y(i,12) (i=1,...,n) 求逐月异常序列x(n,12)和y(n,12)(n是年)的相关系数r(24),其中j=1~12是1~12个
- i m developping fortran program for heat transfer problems
- In this project I chose Bosnian language to do the character frequency analysis. Bosnia and Herzegovina are the countries using Bosnian as their official language and more than 2.2 million people speak this language all around the world. It has 5
- 可以处理三维矩阵数据,三维数组的线性化处理,-#include<stdio.h> #define N 56 #define M 56 #define L 336 #define Leng 23.693 double V[N][M][L] void main() { int i, j, k double Z[L], ZL[L], S, A FILE*fp1,*fp2 if ((fp1 = fopen("LO
- int i, j, k,b,n,s,t,r=1 float sum, c float a[12][12] //pengisian matrix printf("Masukkan ordo matriks : ") scanf(" d",&n) printf("masukkan banyak persamaan : ") scanf(" d",&b) for(i=0 i<n i++){ for(j=0 j&
- int i, j, k,b,n,s,t,r=1 float sum, c float a[12][12] //pengisian matrix printf("Masukkan ordo matriks : ") scanf(" d",&n) printf("masukkan banyak persamaan : ") scanf(" d",&b) for(i=0 i<n i++){ for(j=0 j&
- int i, j, k,b,n,s,t,r=1 float sum, c float a[12][12] //pengisian matrix printf("Masukkan ordo matriks : ") scanf(" d",&n) printf("masukkan banyak persamaan : ") scanf(" d",&b) for(i=0 i<n i++){ for(j=0 j&
- int i, j, k,b,n,s,t,r=1 float sum, c float a[12][12] //pengisian matrix printf("Masukkan ordo matriks : ") scanf(" d",&n) printf("masukkan banyak persamaan : ") scanf(" d",&b) for(i=0 i<n i++){ for(j=0 j&
- Correlation coefficient r between two series x(i) and y(i) with missing data, where i=1,...,n. input: x(n),y(n),undef undef is missing data however, if ax or sx is still undefined, it will be -9.99e33 whatever the input undef is. output: r an
- 双共轭梯度法 广泛适用的线性方程组求解方法-S t r u e t u r e o f th e C o m p l e x b i 一 C o n j u g a t e G r a d ie n t M e th o d