- 本程序是利用mathematic进行柔性体坐标变换计算。Mathematic是一个计算机代数系统,它能够做数值,符号和图形运算,主要用于科学和工程方面.-use of this procedure is for flexible body in_array coordinate transformation calculation. Mathematic program is a computer algebra system, it can do numerical, graphical an
- matlab符号计算,包括符号类型的创建、使用、任意精度数学计算、微积分等等重要方法,值得借鉴!-Matlab symbolic computation, including the types of symbols to create, use, arbitrary precision arithmetic Calculus, etc. important method, which is worth learning from.
- 《数值分析及其MATLAB实现》这本书以理论推导为基础,通过利用Matlab的底层库函数实现各个数值计算方法,而不是简单的调用高层函数,因此实现的算法过程很详细并具有很高的灵活性,便于自行学习和调整,实现了理论与实践的相统一。同时配有大量例题,并有Matlab数值计算、符号计算的基本使用方法。 -" " Numerical Analysis and MATLAB implementation, " " This book is based on a the
- 符号积分法,有中文注释,大家试试,供参考学习~-Symbolic integration, notes in Chinese, we try, for reference to learn ~
- Maple目前应用非常广泛符号计算软件之一它拥有非常强大符号计算和数值计算功本书详细地介绍了Maple基本功包括数值计算解方程微积分计算向量及矩阵计算解常微分方程和偏微分方程等本书深入讲解了Maple编程基本原理 -Maple is widely used at present one of the symbolic computation software, It has a very powerful symbolic computation and numerical calculat
- 在最优控制、变分法、微分方程等学科中常遇到两点边值问题( TPBVP ),徒手求取解析 解比较繁;MATLAB 的符号数学工具箱却又仅限于解一点边值问题。本示例阐述如何用符 号数学工具箱解 TPBVP。-In optimal control,variational calculus and differential equation frequently encountered two-point boundary value problems(TPBVP).Free-hand to g
- 数值符号计算中利用QR分解求解方程的程序,经过病态矩阵的验证,程序有较高的精确性-Symbolic computation in numerical solving equations using QR decomposition process, through the ill-conditioned matrix of validation, the program has high accuracy
- 关于解微分方程的matlab小程序,适合本科生学习使用。-MATLAB in Physics is a four lecture series in MATLAB that is offered to first year physics undergraduate students. This lecture shows how to use MATLAB to simulate physical systems using a range of methods. Projecti
- 封装矩阵操作为CMatrix类 矩阵的加减乘除、求逆、转置等符号化重载操作。-Package Matrix matrix operations of addition and subtraction to multiplication and division CMatrix, inverse, transpose and other symbolic overload operation.
- SymbolicC++ : an introduction to computer algebra using object-oriented programming / Tan Kiat Shi, Willi-Hans Steeb,随书源码-SymbolicC++: an introduction to computer algebra using object-oriented programming/Tan Kiat Shi, Willi-Hans Steeb, along with bo
- 已知二维随机变量(X,Y)的联合概率密度 利用MATLAB的符号运算功能,求待定系数A;P{X>1,Y>2};边缘分布 -Known two-dimensional random variable (X, Y) the joint probability density function using MATLAB' s symbolic computation, seeking undetermined coefficients A P {X> 1, Y>
- 加减乘除的四则运算计算器,输入两个实数,选择运算符号,计算运算结果-Math of arithmetic calculator, enter the two real numbers, select computing symbolic, calculation result of the operation
- TGPopulation is a genetic programming library for Borland Delphi, C++ Builder, Kylix and Free Pascal. Symbolic Regression and GP Robots are two example applications for it.
- 数理逻辑中实现,求取合取范式和析取范式的源代码-Mathematical logic to achieve, to strike a conjunctive normal form and disjunctive normal form of source code
- symbolic maths descr iptiongudie
- matlab6.0数学手册,详细介绍了矩阵运算、数值计算、数据分析、符号运算、概率统计、模糊逻辑、图形处理及matlab编程等内容,共8章。-matlab6.0 Mathematics Handbook, a detailed matrix operations, numerical calculation, data analysis, symbolic computation, probability and statistics, fuzzy logic, image processing
- 面波射线追踪。基于Boschi 和 Woodhouse 2006年发表在GJI上的文章中的方法。更详细的介绍见英文描述。对于做波场模拟的同学很有参考价值。 -surface wave ray tracing as described by Boschi and Woodhouse GJI 2006 Authors: Lapo Boschi General: Wave propagation Code level: Research Language: Fortran
- 一个应用于mathematica的动力学建模的软件包,可实现符号建模。-Kinetic modeling software package used in mathematica symbolic modeling.
- 1:利用差分方法数值求解抛物方程,适当改编后,可以用于求解其他的抛物方程,2,: 利用符号运算计算lagrange插值基函数。-1: Using the method of differential numerical solution of parabolic equations, appropriately adapted, can be used to solve parabolic equation 2: the use of symbolic computation lagrange
- 有关matlab在线性代数中的应用的详细介绍及具体的matlab代码实现,包括求向量组的最大线性无关组、向量组的线性相关性、求解线性方程组、使用 sym 函数直接创建符号矩阵、将数值矩阵转化为符号矩阵、符号矩阵的索引和修改、相似矩阵及二次型、求特征值和特征向量等。很适合初学者使用,及有关工程人员参考。-About matlab linear algebra applications detailed descr iption and the specific matlab code, inclu