- 神经网络模式识别及其实现,第10章 内含:ART 和VQ 算法。 终于上传完,本来想一次性发上来的,但结果失败了,只好一个一个发。-pattern recognition and neural network to achieve, Chapter 10 consisting of : ART algorithm and VQ. Finally upload End, originally wanted onto a one-time, but the result of the fai
Harris Corner
- 网上一直没有Harris算法的VC程序 无奈 自己写一个吧 用了两个小时就写好了 非常简陋 大家凑合着看 代码没有任何优化 内存也没来得及释放... 但角点检测效果还是不错的 而且参数可以调节 2005年12月11日 http://contact.ys168.com/ bugzhao@sdu.edu.cn-Harris algorithm VC procedures helpless himself wrote it with a two hour writ
- dijkstra算法的matlab程序,用于优化路径规划的初始路径,只能做出一个次优的结果,以后可以用很多优化算法来进一步优化-dijkstra the algorithm matlab procedure, uses in to optimize the way plan the initial way, only can make an order superior result, later will be allowed to use the very many optimized
- 我根据书上算法自编的蚁群程序,也是我的中期筛选设计。目录下函数收敛图是用了VC的结果,在matlab里画的-algorithm based on the book written by Ant procedures, and also my mid-screening design. Directory function convergence plan is the result of the VC in Matlab Lane painting
- 这是用实验函数--Ackley函数来检验遗传算法的优越性,其中有点小毛病,就是种群数在20个左右效果最好,一旦增加种群,结果就不大对劲了。忙了好多天,也没调出来,还请各位大侠指点喽-This is the experimental function -- Ackley function to test the advantages of genetic algorithm, with a little fault, is the number of stocks in the 20 best a
- 用vc写的,同时有用bp算法和用rbf神经网络进行训练和识别的程序,可以看到两种不同方法得到的结果-vc used to write, while useful bp algorithm and the use of rbf neural network training and identification procedures, we can see the two different methods to obtain the result
- 本算法的基本功能是用C++语言实现了APRIORI算法,用户可以先选择要进行的操作。然后再输入支持度和置信度,就可得到挖掘的结果。 输出的结果主要包括两个部分。 1.输出所有的频繁项集。 2.输出所有的产生的规则。 算法还能够输出初始的事务集合,并且可以输出产生的中间结果。-the algorithm is the basic functions using C + + language of APRIORI algorithm, Users may choose to cond
- BP神经网络的一个应用示例:水果识别。先学习,然后根据输入的三个0,1值用BP神经网络计算出结果。-Neural Network Application Example 1 : Recognition fruit. First learn, and then import the 3 0, with a value of BP neural network calculation result.
- 用量子粒子群算法解决ostu图像分割问题,达到了较好地效果-Quantum PSO ostu image segmentation solution, to achieve a better result
- matlab实现,附带数据,并有显示结果图的功能,很方便用的-It s implemented using matlab with data as attachment. It also has the function of showing the result and is very convenient to use.
- 目的:运用强化学习!多分类器集成!降维方法等最新计算机技术,结合细胞病理知识,设计制作/智能化肺癌细胞病理图像诊断系统0"方法:采集细胞图像,运用基于强化学习的图像分割法将细胞区域从背景中分离出来 运用基于样条和改进2方法对重叠细胞进行分离和重构 提取40个细胞特征用于贝叶斯!支持向量机!紧邻和决策树4种分类器,集成产生肺癌细胞分类结果 建立肺癌细胞病理图库,运用基于等降维方法对细胞进行比对,给予未定型癌细胞分类"结果:/智能化肺癌细胞病理诊断系统0应用于临床随机1200例肺
- Matlab 下 BP 神经网络的举例及详细说明。美国大学的一个实验。 虽然是 PDF文件,但程序可以直接粘贴下来运行。,The process to train and test a designed MLP neural network : 1) We make training patterns and test patterns. 2) A network architecture should be defined by newff MATLAB function with th
- 使用了A*,A,深度优先,宽度优先等算法解决八数码,由于高强度的优化,使得运算十分之快,而且功能齐全,界面好看.是上学期俺做的人工智能作业.-The use of A*, A, depth-first, breadth-first algorithm to solve, such as eight digital, high-intensity as a result of the optimization, making a very fast operation, and full-feat
- 用来拼接图像的另一款软件 基于sift算法 速度较慢 效果不错 来自开源项目 hugin-another alogriam used to panoramic images ,base on sift feature ,low in speed but with nice result ,come form a opencn source project Hugin
- 使用A*算法解决了八数码问题,其中包括源代码,直接编译即可运行出结果。-The use of A* algorithm to solve eight digital issues, including source code, the compiler can be run directly the result.
- 1、编制程序显示印章图像(24位真彩色位图); 2、读出位图中每一像素点的(R,G,B)样本值; 3、以RGB其中某两个(或三个)为坐标,取一定数量的图像点为分析样本,分析其坐标系中的分布; 4、采用本章学习的方法找到分类判别函数,对这些样本进行分类;(要求首先将印章与底纹区分,如有可能将印章、底纹、签字区分) 5、将分类后的结果标记到原始图像上,检查其效果。 -1, the preparation procedures showed that the seal image
- 反向传播算法也称BP算法。由于这种算法在本质上是一种神经网络学习的数学模型,所以,有时也称为BP模型。-Back-propagation algorithm, also known as BP algorithm. As a result of this algorithm is essentially a neural network to learn the mathematical model, therefore, sometimes referred to as BP model.
- 反向传播算法也称BP算法。由于这种算法在本质上是一种神经网络学习的数学模型,所以,有时也称为BP模型。-Back-propagation algorithm, also known as BP algorithm. As a result of this algorithm is essentially a neural network to learn the mathematical model, therefore, sometimes referred to as BP model.
- function [U,center,result,w,obj_fcn]= fenlei(data) [data_n,in_n] = size(data) m= 2 % Exponent for U max_iter = 100 % Max. iteration min_impro =1e-5 % Min. improvement c=3 [center, U, obj_fcn] = fcm(data, c) for i=1:max_iter if
- 一个神经网络程序,神经网络仿真数据和测试结果.-a NN programe writed in C, with test data and test result.