- 应用主成分分析对数据降维,将得到的数据用于概率神经网络训练,进行模式识别。对于一组新数据,先计算主成分得分,再输入训练好的概率神经网络,就会得到识别结果,即改组数据属于何种类别。-Principal component analysis of the data reduction, data will be obtained for the probabilistic neural network training, pattern recognition. For a new set of d
- 朴素贝叶斯算法 求导致某一结果或现象发生的最可能的条件-Naive Bayes algorithm for the most likely cause of the condition or a result of the phenomenon
- 直接输入图片,以及类别数,返回分类结果,聚类中心,跌代次数。-Directly enter the picture, as well as the number of categories, the classification result is returned, the cluster center, down the number of generations.
- 利用均线策略进行股票交易,程序为回测的结果-The use of average strategy for stock trading, the program in return for the result of the test
- 决策树根据信息增益对数据进行分类,并且构造树的结构,输出结果易于理解-Decision tree based on information gain to classify the data, and construct the structure of the tree, the output result is easy to understand
- 介绍人物标签处理的过程,从数据采集,分词,预处理,算法选择以及结果展示方面来介绍相关过程。-This paper introduces the process of character label processing, and introduces the process of data acquisition, word segmentation, preprocessing, algorithm selection and result display.
- scrapy爬虫,爬取豆瓣评分大于8.5分的电影名单,结果存储于MySql数据库。-scrapy reptiles, crawling watercress score greater than 8.5 of the list of films, the result is stored in the MySql.
- 对NBA球员的大数据进行分析,含代码和结果图(Analyze the big data for NBA players, including code and result diagrams)
- ap算法完成ap聚类操作 需要输入参数为数据集 偏向参数 输出结果为聚类数目(The AP algorithm completes the AP clustering operation, the input parameter is the data set bias parameter, and the output result is the number of clusters)
- 对于大文本进行挖掘聚类,该方法不考虑文字词语出现的频率信息,考虑上下文语境,将所有的字根据预定义的特征进行词位特征学习,获得一个训练模型。然后对待分字符串的每一个字进行词位标注,最后根据词位定义获得最终的分词结果。(Digging for large text clustering, the method does not consider the text word frequency of information, considering the context, all the words
- 该代码实现了经典的SVM支持向量机算法,Python语言编写,产生结果图。(This code implements the classic SVM support vector machine algorithm, Python language, and produces the result graph.)
- 模式识别中的k近邻算法,经过测试,运行结果很好。 最小距离分类器 : 它将各类训练样本划分成若干子类,并在 每个子类中确定代表点 。测试样本的类别则以其与这些代表点距离最近作决策。该方法的缺点是所选择的代表点并不一定能很好地代表各类,其后果将使错误率增加。(The k nearest neighbor algorithm in pattern recognition has been tested and the result is very good. Minimum distance c
LDA_ FDA_with_tutorial
- LDA降维是常用的降维手段之一,是常用的有监督学习降维工具。这个文件对其产生W后的使用进行了简要说明,使用W进行最终的降维可以得到十分漂亮的分析结果(在数据分布符合假设分析的情况下。)(LDA dimension reduction is one of the commonly used dimensionality reduction methods. It is a commonly used supervised learning dimensionality reduction tool