- ICA is used to classify text in extension to the latent semantic indexing framework. ICA show to align the context grouping structure well in a human sense [1], thus can be used for unsupervised classification. The demonstration shows this on medical
- 这是一个基于M/M/S类型的排队论仿真程序。M/M/S表示到达时间为负指数分布,服务时间为负指数分布,服务设备数量为S个的排队系统。 (1)到达模式:严格意义上讲是一个接着一个到达,而且到达时间间隔服从参数为mean_arr的负指数分布; (2)服务模式:服务台的数量为server_num,且每个服务台服务一个顾客的服务时间服从参数为mean_serv的负指数分布; (3)排队规则:满足先进先服务,服务快的先离开的规则。 -This is a based on the M / M
- 第一章 概述 辨识(Identification)、状态估计和控制理论在现代控制理论中是密不可分的,它们互相渗透。辨识和状态估计离不开控制理论的支持,控制理论的应用几乎不能没有辨识和估计技术。由此可见,辨识在科研与实际应用领域都有很高的实用价值。 所谓辨识,就是从含有噪声的输入、输出数据中提取被研究对象的数据模型。此数据模型只是过程的输入输出特性在某种意义下的近似,而近似的准确度一般取决于采样数据的精度以及辨识方法的合理性。 辨识的目的是根据过程所提供测量的数据等信息,在某种准则意
- 二维傅里叶变换,对图像进行二维傅里叶变换处理-Two-Dimensional Fast Fourier Transform The purpose of this project is to develop a 2-D FFT program "package" that will be used in several other projects that follow. Your implementation must have the capabilitie
- 解耦控制要求下的极点配置MATLAB算法。 关键词:解耦控制 极点配置 线性系统 MATLAB-A matlab algorithm of arbitrary pole- assignment in the sense of decoupli countrol
- :详细介绍了基于LabV IEW和Matlab的虚拟信号分析仪的设计过程。该信号分析仪可以完全替代传统意义上的信号分析仪,实现其全部功能,并且具有造价低(只在通用计算机上增加一块数据采集卡) ,使用方便,可实现资源共享,更新换代容易等特点。-: Details LabV IEW and Matlab-based virtual signal analyzer of the design process. The signal analyzer can completely replace the
- 这是一个118节点的IEEE-118标准测试系统后感数据代码-This is a 118-node IEEE-118 standard test system, a sense of the data after the code
- 这是一个57节点的IEEE-57标准测试系统后感数据代码-This is a 57-node IEEE-57 standard test system a sense of the data code
- 这是一个39节点的IEEE-39标准测试系统后感数据代码-This is a 39-node IEEE-39 standard test system a sense of the data code
- 这是一个30节点的IEEE-30标准测试系统后感数据代码-This is a 30-node IEEE-30 standard test system a sense of the data code
- matlab编写基于循环平稳谱估计的认知无线电频谱感程序。-matlab to prepare a smooth spectrum estimation based on the cycle of the radio spectrum of the cognitive sense of the procedure.
- 简单SENSE图像重建,即使通过反傅里叶变换重建出最终图像-The data was acquired from 4-channel array coil using EPI sequence (2-shot, matrix: 64X64, TE: 50 ms) at a 1.5T scanner. The code estimates the coil sensitivity profiles directly from the image with anatomical contrast b
- Structured covariance estimation. The routine takes a covariance matrix as input and returns the Toeplitz matrix that lies closest to it, in the sense that it minimizes the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the two. Input must be a real, square, sy
- 上海交通大学matlab与simulink讲义 总体感觉还不错,对于初学simulink还是很有意义的。-Shanghai Jiaotong University, matlab and simulink lecture feeling pretty good overall, for beginners simulink makes sense.
- Descr iption Although the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and eigenvalue decomposition (EVD) are well-established and can be computed via state-of-the-art algorithms, it is not commonly mentioned that there is an intrinsic sign indeterminac
- This code is for the curve fitting with least square sense algrorithm. Using the measurment data, end-user can get the curve (1st order~ 4th order approximation)
- 洗衣机性能测试的方法及研究,本篇文章是我在期刊网上买的,自己阅读,认为很有意义.-Washing performance test methods and research, this article is my journal online buying, their own reading, that makes sense.
- 独立成份分析(ICA)以及winner滤波 Source separation of complex signals with JADE. Jade performs `Source Separation in the following sense: X is an n x T data matrix assumed modelled as X = A S + N where o A is an unknown n x m matrix with full rank.
- 雷达数据处理及应用,对雷达信号和数据处理感性趣的人有一定帮助。-Radar data processing and application of data processing of radar signals and a sense of sexual interest of the people must help.
- 多目标优化 相对传统多目标优化方法, PSO在求解多目标问题上具有很大优势。首先, PSO的高效搜索能力有利于得到多目标意义下的最优解 其次, PSO通过代表整个解集的种群按内在的并行方式同时搜索多个非劣解,因此容易搜索到多个Pareto 最优解 再则, PSO的通用性使其适合于处理所有类型的目标函数和约束 另外, PSO 很容易与传统方法相结合,进而提出解决特定问题的高效方法。就PSO 本身而言,为了更好地解决多目标优化问题,必须解决全局最优粒子和个体最优粒子的选择问题-Compared