- 谷地地理信息系统是一款基于谷歌地球和谷歌地图免费资源开发的地理信息系统软件,旨在扩展谷歌地球和谷歌地图的应用,提高工作效率。可应用于学术科研、工程、测量、地质、交通、农业、林业、规划和旅游等领域。一个很牛网友制作,在此推荐给大家。 -Valley geographic information system is based on a Google earth and Google maps free resources development the geographic informati
- Project: Lawyer Office System The project aims to convert the manual tasks in the lawyer office to electronic tasks and to help the workers in the lawyer office complete these tasks faster and more efficient than using paper works. The project will
- matlab中,利用偏最小二乘法优选最佳波长,构建模型,拟合方程-PLSR, a dimensionality reduction method, is emerging as the most robust and reliable chemometric method for constructing models and aims at determining predictor combinations with maximum covariance with the response
- Mini Project Title is College Admission Process written in Java This project aims to minimize the tedious and troublesome work of teachers keeping up to date records of students. So this project can be widely used in colleges.