- 一些从ansys中输出数据(结构节点信息、拓扑关系,面积,荷载等)的apdl小程序 对于需要提取一个结构的这些信息用于其它程序语言编程,很好用,特别是对于复杂的结构-some Filed output from the data (information structure nodes, topology, area, load) 7.0-9.0 small extraction procedures need for a structure of such information for
- 一些从ansys中输出数据(结构节点信息、拓扑关系,面积,荷载等)的apdl小程序 对于需要提取一个结构的这些信息用于其它程序语言编程,很好用,特别是对于复杂的结构-some Filed output from the data (information structure nodes, topology, area, load) 7.0-9.0 small extraction procedures need for a structure of such information for
- 用信息熵进行语音信号声韵分割,尤其适合低信噪比的语音。-with information entropy voice signal eloquence and segmentation, especially for low SNR voice.
- DEBUG是DOS中的一个外部命令,从DOS 1.0起就带有此命令,因此可见此命令的重要性了。虽然此命令的功能非常强大,可以解决许多问题,可是对许多人来说,尤其是初学者来说,却非常不易掌握。因此,现将DEBUG的命令详细介绍一番,以让大家知道它的使用。 -DOS DEBUG is one of the external command, starting from DOS 1.0 on with this order, Hence the importance of this order o
- 一个简单的字典工具(C++源码) 目前实现的主要功能: 1.制作字典 1.1 向导模式 1.2 自定义模式 2.对字典进行加工 2.1 给字典中的密码添加前缀 2.2 给字典中的密码添加后缀 2.3 合并多个字典 一些工具仅支持单个字典 2.4 过滤指定字典中的重复密码 合并后的字典可能会出现重复密码 如果处理比较大的字典 由于未使用多线程处理 速度会比较慢 尤其体现在过滤功能上 因为没想到更好的算法 之所以用C
- 基于WINDOWS的SVM的开发工具,特别适合初学者,不需要太了解SVM原理-SVM based on the Windows development tool, especially for beginners, SVM not understand much about Principle
- 从网上下载的路由算法C语言板,对初学者特别有用,清下载试用。-downloaded from the Internet routing algorithm C language board, especially useful for beginners, money download the trial.
- 这是语音信号中针对音频文件的读取,特别是对于文件头的读取,经过变化可转变成针对音频文件的转化-This the voice signal regarding the audio files to read, especially for the first document read, After changes can be transformed into audio files against the conversion! !
- 编译原理课程设计,VC实现源码,可以参考,特别是一些数据结构-compiler theory curriculum design, VC source can be found, especially in some data structure
- 工程中很多的地方用到龙格库塔求解微分方程的数值解,龙格库塔是很重要的一种方法,尤其是四阶的,精确度相当的高。 -project many places used for Runge - Kutta numerical solution of differential equations. Runge - Kutta is a very important one, especially in four bands, precision is high.
- 用matlab实现了仿真过程中的fft变换,尤其在共模电流抑制中的共模电流分析中应用-using Matlab the simulation process of fft transform, especially in the current common-mode suppression of common mode Current Analysis Application
- 取绝对值的时候,很多人知道用fabs()函数。但是这个函数是浮点函数,操作起来比较慢,特别是在嵌入式系统上面,大多数嵌入式系统都没有浮点预算单元,进行浮点模拟需要消耗大量的时间。这个程序使用的简单的办法-obtain absolute time, a lot of people know, fabs () function. However, this function is floating point function, operate more slowly, especially in
- Standord Classifier实现了一个基于Java的最大熵分类器。用于模式识别,特别是自然语言处理方面的应用。-Stanford Classifier achieved a Java-based Maximum Entropy classifier. For pattern recognition, especially natural language processing the application.
- 在编程中特别是C、C++编程,经常遇到内存泄漏的情况,该代码描述了在MFC中检测内存泄漏的使用方法-in programming, especially C and C + + programming, often encountered memory leakage, The code describes the MFC Memory Leak Detection methods of using
- 用于语音的端点侦测,特别是当声音比较嘈杂或者录音设备的质量不好的时候,能够自动适应环境,切分出有效的声音。-for speech endpoint detection, especially when the voice is relatively noisy or recording equipment of poor quality, can automatically adapt to the environment, to separate an effective voice.
- 语音端点检测是语音识别中至关重要的技术。无论军用还是民用,语音端点检测都有着广泛的应用。在低信噪比的环境中进行精确的端点检测比较困难,尤其是在无声段或者发音前后-voice activity detection is critical speech recognition technologies. Whether military or civilian, voice endpoint detection have broad application. Low signal-to-noise
- 《asp.net常用函数表》,非常好的东西,特别是新手的,以及想提高自己的水平的程序员呀-"Asp. Net commonly used functions", a very good thing, especially newcomers, and want to improve their level of programmers ah
- 在制作网页时,将文本段自动变化成图片的工具。在php的基础功能基础上笔记实现了自动换行,高度自动设置,右标点不放在行首等功能,特别对汉字做了优化处理。 该文件使用unicode编码,如果用其他编码,其中汉字需要修改。 请参见: http://arl.mae.cuhk.edu.hk/-the production of the website, will automatically change the text of the pictures into a tool. P
- This code implements in C++ a basic left-right hidden Markov model and corresponding Baum-Welch (ML) training algorithm. It is meant as an example of the HMM algorithms described by L.Rabiner (1) and others. Serious students are directed to the
- 一个计时器的类,利用CPU内部的一个高分辨率计数器计数实现,可以用于各种精确计时的场合,尤其适合需要测试某段代码的运行时间的情况-like a timer, using the CPU of a high-resolution internal Counting realized, could be used for various occasions precision timing, especially for the need to test a certain code of the